Chapter 151-152

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Chapter 151: Cistanche Harvest

For Manager Zhang of the medicinal herbal medicine company, he was unrecoolable to spend thousands of years.

In Manager Zhang's idea, the millennium crossing can only dig three or five at most.

In fact, it can be sold to health clinics or supply and marketing agencies.

He doesn't need his big manager to come at all.

But the people entrusted to him were Academician Qin Zinong and Professor Lu Changao.

Manager Zhang dares not come.

"Hello, Manager Zhang." Ye Guangxiang shook hands with Manager Zhang with a smile.

"Let's get down to business. Where is Cistanche?" Manager Zhang was absent-minded and eager to see Cistanche.

His task is Cistanche, which is a complete task as long as he collects Cistanche.

I came in person this time to save Academician Qin face.

You can ask the salesman to come when you come next time, so that Academician Qin and Professor Lu can't say anything.

Seeing his urgent face, Ye Guangxiang smiled and led him to the peasant association: "Our Cistanche is now piled up in the peasant association."

Hearing these two words piled up, Manager Zhang raised his eyebrows and raised them, "Centche is very valuable. You can't pile it up casually. You should store it carefully."

But think about it again, there are not many anyway, but no matter how precious it is?

Ye Guangxiang led him to the peasant association and pointed to a room: "It's all there."

Manager Zhang saw that the house was a mud house with a small window and a leaking wind on the door, and he was unhappy.

"It's not good to store Cistanche in this way. You should be dry, and then find an isolation..." As he complained, he pushed the door and his voice stopped suddenly.

When he opened the door, Manager Zhang stood in the sun and was blind for a second or two.

But when his eyes regained his eyesight, he saw the house full of Cistanche at a glance.

Cistanche is piled up on a wooden bed, one after another.

How has he seen so much Cistanche?

No! He has seen it. It's in the warehouse of the medicinal herbal medicine company.

However, how can there be so many Cistanche in a small millennium crossing?

Manager Zhang turned his head and looked at Ye Guangxiang in surprise: "Is this your inventory for so many years?"

"The sun-dried Cistanche can only be preserved for three or four years, and the medicinal properties will decline." Ye Guangxiang shook his head and said, "We didn't establish it until last year. How can we have been in stock for many years?"

He pointed to Cistanche piled up into hills: "These are fresh goods this autumn."

Manager Zhang turned his head in surprise, stood up for a long time, and then took out a cistanche and went out of the house.

The sunshine in autumn is so strong that he can see the phosphorus slices on Cistanche.

This Cistanche conforms to the characterization of all superior Cistanche.

Thick in the middle, with two tips.

Yellow scales are hanging, the bottom is yellow, the middle is white, and the top is purple.

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