Chapter 77-78

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Chapter 77: Broadcasting of Lock Ditch

"You give me more space every time." Ye Yu is a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Luo disapproved, "In the past, it was drunk casually, but later after the space was taken over, he regarded space water as a strategic material."

The meaning of Xiaolu dialect is obvious that there are still others in this space, and there are many people.

But Ye Yu didn't ask.

She knew that the secret of space could not be asked.

There are some things that the more you know, the more troublesome they are.

Ye Yu asked Xiao Luo again, "Can you get goat oil and butter?"

"What do you want to do this?" Xiaolu is a little strange.

Ye Yu said about the current situation, "It will be suspected to eat meat every day. Just get some mutton oil and stir-fry vegetables."

Xiao Luo: "In a few days, I'll let you know when I get it."

Xiao Luo added, "I now have a group of branches cut by sanitation workers, which need to be dealt with. Do you want it?"

"Of course!" Ye Yu hurriedly agreed.

Branches can be burned as firewood, and the leaves must be burned.

After a while, Xiao Luo traded branches with Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was so happy that he even forgot to buy a military coat. He left the space directly and talked to Liao Chuxin about the price and branches.

Liao Chuxin said, "It is true that the space water should be returned to Wenmao. If you want to take out a little bit of the branch every day, it won't be suspicious.

Ye Yu didn't hide his privacy and discussed with Liao Chuxin, "Would you like to pour it into a bottle when cooking?" Everyone is exhausted."

Liao Chuxin nodded: "Okay..."

Wang Yue and Li Sanzhen did not have any remuneration to help their families dig wells. The family naturally treated them well.

Today's lunch is particularly sweet.

"Sister Liao is good at cooking." Wang Yue couldn't help but praise Liao Chuxin's high craftsmanship.

Liao Chuxin and Ye Yu looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, there is not much ten grams of space water. If you share it equally to everyone, it is just to relieve the lack.

Now the task of Ru Xian and Aunt Gu Li going to the capital to cure their eyes and teach thousands of years of literacy has fallen on Wang Yue and Li Sanzhen.

After work every night, it has become a habit for the family to read under the oil lamp.

My family has drunk space water and studied very fast.

Wang Yue and Li Sanzhen exclaimed at the learning speed of Ye Yu and Ye Ze: "You can go to school when the station is built in a few years."

If you go to the station to school, it will take nearly a month to go there alone.

When they came, they also walked seven or eight days on the road by car delivering vegetables from the station to the ball farms.

If you really want to go to school in your place, you can only live in school.

Ye Yu felt very uncomfortable when he thought of separating from his parents.

"The southern Xinjiang is too big..." Ye Yu sighed softly.

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