Chapter 149-150

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Chapter 149: Smart Members

The reporter stayed for a week in the millennium.

I interviewed a lot of people.

During this period, hundreds of mu of wheat fields across thousands of years achieved a bumper harvest.

The reporter thought he would see the crew sweating harvesting scenes.

As a result, Su Xiangchen drove a tractor with a harvester.

Hula Hula took a day or two to collect the wheat field.

The members waved the sickle in their hands and cheered loudly.

"The tractor is really awesome. A tractor can withstand the strength of men, women and children in our village."

The harvesters of this era are not very clean.

Members also need to go to the ground for a second harvest.

But this is also quite fast.

The children ran to the ground and picked up ears of wheat.

The places where adults harvest corners.

Laughter came from all over the world.

The reporter kept pressing the shutter to record the harvest moment.

"If only there were a machine that could be threshing together." Ye Guangxiang looked at the ears of wheat placed by the field, and his face was full of smiles.

"This is already very powerful." Liao Shuxue held a bunch of ears of wheat and began to thresh artificially.

After threshing, statistics should be carried out.

Seeing that they had begun to threshing, the reporter came over and asked casually, "How much is it?"

Ye Guangxiang is an old crop handle. You can roughly estimate the output at a glance.

But he has long discussed with Ye Yu that this year's output should be concealed.

Because this year, the wheat output in southern Xinjiang is only about 120-150 catties per mu, that is, about 60-80 kilograms. Source: National Bureau of Statistics)

Ye Guangxiang glanced at the reporter and lowered the yield of a thousand years: "Be more than 100 catties."

Liao Shuxue, who was threshing, looked at Ye Guangxiang in shock and didn't understand why Ye Guangxiang underreported his output.

But he absolutely believed Ye Guangxiang, so he just lowered his head and didn't say anything.

After several other young people who helped threshing glanced at each other, they also pinned their heads aside and dared not talk nonsense.

"It's more than a hundred catties. Oh, this year's mu output is really low..." The reporter lowered his head and sighed.

Grabbing a handful of wheat, the golden wheat slipped down from the cracks of his fingers and then fell to the wheat pile.

Suddenly, the reporter thought of a thing: "Would you like to talk about the output? When we report at that time, we can also buy more layout for you.

"We only talk about the real mu of production here." Ye Guangxiang smiled.

The reporter took Ye Guangxiang to an empty place and whispered to him, "You know what? In July this year, a newspaper reported that the wheat output of Xinjiang Shengli Society was as high as 1,339 catties per mu.

"Xinjiang County Shengli Agricultural Cooperative has a three-acre of water stubble wheat, with an output of 1,339 kilograms per mu, setting a new record for high and high and high wheat yield in Shanxi Province."

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