Chapter 129-130

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Chapter 129: The Migration of the Wolf King

Postman + salesman?

Hearing this man's title, Ye Guangxiang was overjoyed: "Come in, please come in, please come in."

The person in charge of raising livestock also asked him to take the postman's camel away and feed herbage and water.

The postman was in a camel-drawn shelf truck full of saplings and post office parcels.

"When I passed the regiment yard, Leader Zhang Mu asked me to pull them here." When the postman saw everyone literacy at the Farmers' Association, he deliberately lowered his voice.

"What's your name?" Ye Guangxiang asked him.

"My name is Balati." Balati smiled shyly.

"It's really hard to come to the millennium so far." Ye Guangxiang quickly poured water into Balati.

Emati's mother came over: "I just heard your son's name?"

"Yes, the tour site allows you to go to the tour as soon as possible." Balati smiled.

Did Aimai raise something?

Emati's mother's heart thumped.

"I've already said, let him not take a gold necklace... Comrade, my son won't be punished by the league, will he?" Aimati's mother was in a hurry and said everything out.

Balati, a postman, still smiled, "I'm just a messenger. I'm not sure about the specific matter."

Emati's mother hesitated and worried.

These days, she also felt that the members of Qiandu were furthing away from their families.

The camel at home was ridden away by Aimati.

The husband borrowed someone else's camel to find Aimati.

If she also borrows other people's camels, they will probably not borrow them.

"Life, why did it become like this?" Emati's mother decided to wait until her husband came back before going to the tour farm.

"It's too troublesome to borrow camels. It won't be a big deal if you want to come to the league farm. Otherwise, a salesman would not have come to deliver the letter. At worst, it's just scolded by the group stage. Emati's mother thought so.

"Well, I said earlier that the gold necklace is not so easy to hold. Isn't it okay if you had listened to me earlier?"


Aimati's mother was moaning at herself. Ye Guangxiang called Su Xiangchen and Liao Shuxue to read the letter.

"Letter from Jiang Zhishu?" Su Xiangchen opened the letter in surprise and read it word by word.

"Jiang Zhishu said that everything in the lock ditch is fine."

"It's okay." Hearing that everything was fine in his hometown, Ye Guangxiang was in a good mood.

After the adults read the letter, Ye Yu and Ye Ze also went over and read it.

Ye Ze could only understand a few words, but he turned his head and saw Ye Yu looking carefully and felt that he could not admit defeat, so he also squeezed his lips and looked at it carefully.

The torch of the peasant association crackled, reflecting a pair of little people against their heads, looking extremely warm.

Meat and Xiao Huang lay aside boredly.

The attention of several children was completely attracted by the two children. They wanted to come over, but no one dared to come.

Su Wenmao sat on the bench, with his head hanging down and didn't say a word.

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