Chapter 69-70

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Chapter 69: Encountering Wolves, Space Exposure

There are a lot of things that I can't explain.

Ye Guangxiang can't tell Aunt Gu Li that I was reborn once. I know that all the property will be in a public-private joint venture next year.

If you don't pay it now, someone will break in and take wild donkeys and antelopes away one day next year.

At that time, not only was he discredited, but also worried about his life.

Why don't you hand it over now and change your reputation?

Moreover, in the name of raising goats for the group farm, you can let Ye Yu buy meat in the mall.

Ye Guangxiang looked at Aunt Gu Li: "I'm a reserve stall. Suddenly, there are so many wild donkeys and antelopes in my family, which should be handed over to the collective."

Aunt Guri stopped talking.

Only Liao Shuxue muttered unrelution.

Early the next morning, Ye Guangxiang rode Dahei and went to the regiment farm to talk about wild donkeys and antelopes.

When Zha Cao's square, Aunt Gu Li talked to her son and daughter, "Ye Guangxiang's family is really good. They are not greedy for small advantages, and their mind is bright."

"I didn't expect his family would be willing to hand over wild donkeys and antelopes." Ru Xian broke his fingers and calculated, "I can sell a lot of money."

"Yes, it costs 40 to 50 cents for a catty of mutton." Hassan was a little envious, "When will someone repay our family?"

Aunt Guri looked cold: "Hassam, my son, you can't think so much. You didn't do anything. Why did you think that the wolf king would repay your kindness? Ye Guangxiang's family took in meat, and the Wolf King also repayed his kindness because of this.

Hassan blushed: "Anah, I just sighed."

"I think it's the blessing brought by rhubarb." Ru Xian turned a question, "Remember the legend left by our Chat Village?"

"Remember! It is also because they took in wild camels that they were willing to stay in their house. Wild camels only like to help people with pure hearts. Aunt Gu Li saluted to the east:

"Hu Da must know that Ye Guangxiang's family is a good person, so he let the wild camel settle down in the Ye family."

As he was talking, a long wolf howled to the sky...

Everyone stood up and ran in the direction of home.

Liao Shuxue raised the gun in his hand, put his hand on the board machine, and left it behind it.

Since the Wolf King took away the meat, the wolves have not appeared again.

The day is not the activity time of wild wolves. They usually rest during the day and start to move at sunset.

Why did it come out in broad daylight?

The desert was extremely quiet in the morning, and there was no sound except the footsteps of the Ye family running.

A wolf slowly broke through the morning fog and appeared in Ye Yu's sight.

Seeing Ye Yu looking at it, the wolf barked his pointed teeth and showed his bleeding red tongue.

Then he sat in a big look, sweeping gently like a broom.

It seems that I enjoy the tension of the opposite human beings.

With the appearance of this wolf, more and more wolf appears in the morning fog.

They walked gently and slowly surrounded them into encirclement, surrounded all human beings.

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