Chapter 57-58

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Chapter 57: Meet the Wolf King on the Road

Liao Shuxue also thinks it's good to raise sheep: "When there are sheep giving birth to cubs in the 17th regiment farm next year, let's buy some."

Ye Yu and Ye Guangxiang looked at each other.

Starting next year, public-private partnerships will be collective.

Unless the Hassan family comes forward, it is possible to keep the animals in the house.

"This winter, your house can't leave. Why don't you live well? Let's lay the foundation this winter and start building a house next summer. Ye Guangxiang talked to Ru Xian with a smile.

The large well used for irrigation has been dug nearly five meters deep. The more it goes down, the more difficult it will be.

The excavated soil is now piled up outside the yard, waiting for one day to turn into mud bricks in the future.

The mud bricks are not put down, and they will turn back to mud after being put on for a long time.

Therefore, it is usually a month in advance to make mud bricks.

The foundation is usually best in spring and winter. After a winter or spring of settlement, you can start building a house.

Ru Xian hesitated, but thought that his family had promised to help them repair the house. Until now, the house has not been built, so he really shouldn't leave.

But winter is coming soon, and it is not the right time to build a house at all.

Why are they so embarrassed to stay here?

"There are many things to do, such as composting, tying, cutting firewood, and cutting feed. There are many things to do." Ye Yu took over the words aside.

Looking at Ye Guangxiang and Ye Yu's sincere smiling faces, Ru Xian knew that they were people who really wanted to stay in their family.

He nodded gently: "I'll talk to Ana when I go back."

Ye Yu heard that Ru Xian's words meant loosening and smiled, "Aunt Gu Li will also agree to stay."

Ru Xian turned his head off and smiled, "Okay..."

After dinner, everyone rested for a while and continued to work.

Ye Qi carefully observed the small oasis and found that the boulder next to the oasis may be one of the reasons for the formation of the oasis.

Boulders block most of the sand for the oasis.

Cleaning up this place and building a few houses is also a good paradise.

Hearing Ye Yu's idea, Ye Guangxiang smiled, "There are puddles here, and there must be be beasts to drink water. It's dangerous to live here.

Turning his head, Ye Yu saw another flock of antelopes coming.

When I found that there were human activities here, the antelope jumped away.

Oasis and Millennium Cross take about two hours to walk, and the distance is not too far away.

If it is full of grass squares, it can be connected in almost three or five years.

But it is surrounded by deserts, and there is no soil to grow grain.

It's really not suitable to live in.

Ye Guangxiang looked at the sun: "It's almost done. It's time for us to go back."

Everyone was busy, tied the reeds and put them on rhubarb.

The reeds are very light and not much weighted, but they are so swollen that they can't even see the rhubarb pressure.

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