Chapter 141-142

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Chapter 141: Uncle Uighur who came to learn

The strong wind flew over the heads of the members with sand.

Everyone took off their coats and wrapped their heads and ran to the cave in turn to protect themselves as much as possible.

Poplars and strange willows beat their branches in the strong wind and made a crackling sound.

Everyone still hid in the cave, and quicksand kept flowing in.

After a while, the quicksand no longer flowed.

Ye Guangxiang was relieved: "Let's go out and have a look."

He wrapped his head in clothes, struggled to break through the quicksand and drilled out of the cave.

The overwhelming sandstorm has stopped, and the small oasis has returned to its original appearance.

Ye Guangxiang went back and called everyone out of the hole.

"Fortunately there is such a cave." Everyone looked up around the boulder and was covered by the wind and sand again. They were all lingering fears.

Now everyone has regarded this cave as a safe house.

The door is made of wood outside to prevent the wind and sand from pouring in.

Therefore, Ye Guangxiang can break the quicksand so easily.

"This day this year, what an evil family." Ye Guangxiang looked up at the sky and greeted everyone to pack up the tools and go back to the millennium.

Back to the millennium crossing, Ye Yu saw several camels coming towards the millennium.

As soon as they entered the village, they first begged for water, and then began to feed camels.

Seeing that Ye Yu had been looking at himself curiously, one of the Uighur old people in his fifties smiled kindly and looked honest:

"We are from Gole Village... My name is Alikun."

The name of their village has been translated into Chinese as a river. It seems that there is a river on the ground in their village.

Alikun means flame.

"Uncle Alex Kun? Hello, are you all right? What can I do for us for thousands of years?" Ye Guangxiang heard someone looking for him and hurried over, "There is wind and sand today. Are you all right?"

"We are all fine." Uncle Alex Quinn smiled and was a little embarrassed:

"I came in a hurry and couldn't say hello in advance... We are here this time mainly to examine your grass squares."

Hearing that it was to examine the grass square, Ye Guangxiang warmly welcomed him, "We have crossed the desert for thousands of years, and we have all been tied with grass squares."

"It's not urgent to look at the grass square. You can take a break first. I think you are all exhausted."

Hearing Ye Guangxiang say that, Uncle Alex Quinn shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking very anxious: "I'm not tired, we're in a hurry."

As soon as summer this year, there have been several winds and sandstorms. We heard that your grass square is very successful here, so let's learn it.

"When we go back, we will also follow your appearance."

"If the desert is not fixed, it will swallow the river in our village sooner or later."

Uncle Alex Kun's face was sad when he talked about the wind and sand.

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