Chapter 165-168

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Chapter 165: The winter of 1957 came quietly

Hassan returned home and cleaned the house up and down, inside and outside.

Aunt Guri asked him, "Have Balati said, when will you become a regular?"

"I'm afraid it will take a few years to become a regular! However, Balati said that like my case, I can remember the length of service after becoming a regular worker.

Hassan is worried about Aunt Gu Li's health. "Acha will have a baby next year. There is only one person to work in the family. Shall I come back?"

"No." Aunt Gu Li smiled and said, "Your sister and wife are very good. She is very good to Acha and also very kind to me."

Hassan squeezed his lips and smiled, "Of course Brother Shuxue is very good. When I first saw him, I thought he should be my brother-in-law."

Aunt Guri laughed.

Liao Shuxue is really good!

Aunt Gu Li is very satisfied with this son-in-law.

After sowing the wheat seeds, you need to start breaking corn.

Because now it is all cultivated by tractors, corn is a separate cornfield.

The corn is so high that adults can hardly see anyone when they get in.

There is no way to harvest it by machine.

You can only break corn.

Su Xiangchen broke the corn for a while and sighed, "The planting and harvest time here are completely different from that of us in the mainland. Sometimes I can't remember it."

Liao Shuxue smiled and said, "I'm not used to it in the first two years. I'm in a hurry and I don't know what to grow."

"But it's also good to come here." Su Xiangchen squeezed his arm and said, "I may have been a little rheumatism before. Since I came here, my arm has never hurt once."

"It's just that I've done too much. It seems to be a fire in my nose." Liao Shuxue added.

"Yes, I've done a lot." Su Xiangchen said, taking a deep breath, "Ear even the inhaled air is dry."

When the two people said this, they suddenly heard a scream.

"Silly bird!"

Liao Shuxue was tall and stood on tiptoe to look aside.

The Golden Eagles hovered in mid-air, flapping their wings from time to time, and diving down.

Every time he dived, Hassan screamed, "Silly bird! If you fan me again with your wings, I will fight back."

"I have a gun!"

The golden sculpture A stupid continued to dive and attacked Hassan with the waves patted by his wings. He was so angry that Hasan squatted to the ground and couldn't work.

"Dool, don't bully him." Liao Shuxue shouted hurriedly.

Hearing Liao Shuxue's words, A stupid let Hasan go and flew into the sky angrily.

"What kind of hatred does stupid have with Hassan?" Su Xiangchen asked curiously.

"A fool robbed Hasan's hat, but Hasan didn't give it, so he made a grudge. But stupid doesn't hurt him. He knows how to be measured. Liao Shuxue said, looking up and shouting at Jin Diao, "Go home first. Xiao Yu is at home."

The golden eagle shunted his wings and flew to the village with his daughter-in-law.

Then Hassan stood up and waved his fist at the stupid back of the golden eagle.

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