Chapter 105-106

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Chapter 105: A camel dies, and everything is born

Hearing someone calling his name, the meat put away his paws and looked ahead curiously.

Several camels ran out of the desert, and several armed soldiers jumped off the camels one by one.

They saw Hao Jian tied up by Liao Chuxin at a glance and couldn't help but be happy: "Have you caught Hao Jian?"

Hao Jian has been found, and everyone is relieved. A soldier came over and boldly rubbed his head:

"Meat, you are awesome!"

The meat tilted his head and stared at him. For a moment, he was not sure whether he should bite this person or not.

Bite it! He called his name.

Don't bite! He dared to rub himself.

He was stunned here to think about his mind, but Xiao Huang was unrejoyed.

Why do you just rub it instead of rubbing me?

Xiao Huang walked to the meat and stretched out his head.

The soldier was stunned for a moment and stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Huang's head: "Xiao Huang, you are awesome!"

Xiao Huang got up proudly and went to Ye Ze happily.

Seeing Xiao Huang so happy, the meat opened his mouth: Forget it, don't bite this person.

Several other soldiers just wanted to tie Hao Jian. They turned their heads and regretted it: "Why did I forget to rub them?"

"Hahaha, this is called fast hands, slow hands." The soldiers were extremely proud.

Liao Chuxin came over and said, "Are you here to catch this person?"

Let Ye Yu take Hao Jian's small satchel, "This is his satchel."

"That's what we found." The soldiers opened the satchel and saw that the notebook was there, and there were many pages, so they were relieved.

Seeing that there was still money in it, the soldiers looked at Liao Chuxin more admirable.

Dozens of yuan is a huge sum of money, and Liao Chuxin was not moved.

"This man is too bad." The soldiers kicked Hao Jian, "I almost harmed all the camels of our expedition team. Fortunately, there were zoologists in the expedition team, otherwise it would be miserable."

In order to keep it confidential, the soldiers did not mention the investigation notes, but only talked about Hao Jian's scourge of camels.

After listening to the soldiers, Liao Chuxin couldn't wait to kick Hao Jian a few more feet and asked Academician Qin Zinong and Professor Lu Changao with concern.

"It's okay. Fortunately, he didn't hurt the academicians and professors. Otherwise, we will bring him to justice now.

The soldier untied Hao Jian, tied it again, and threw him on the camel. "We are going to send him back to the 17th regiment field overnight."

Hao Jian, who knew that he had no good end after being sent to the league, was frustrated in an instant.

Struggle hard.

"Dog spy, let's go!" The soldier smashed Hao Jian with the butt of the gun and jumped on the camel.

"You stopped Hao Jian and saved the losses of the country. When you get to the league field, we will ask for you for credit." After saying that, the soldiers patted the camel and galloped towards the regiment field.

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