Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Parents were also reborn in 1955

The neighbors heard the movements of the Ye family and went out one after another.

I found that the house of the Ye family had been poured down, and they all exchanged their eyes.

"I just heard Ye Jinzhi beating Ye Yu again... It's probably Ye Laosan who just came back and saw it, right?"

"Ye Laosan's hammer hit well! The Ye family is really not like it!"

"That's right! Abuse the children of Ye Laosan's family all day long. Let's see how Ye Jinzhi eats white and fat. Ozawa is as thin as a hemp pole.

The neighbors are all complaining about the injustice of Ye Guangxiang's family.

Jiang Dongzhou, secretary of the branch and director of the Suozigou Senior Agricultural Production Cooperative, squeezed into the crowd.

Looking at Ye Guangxiang's wife with an angry face, he scolded Mr. Ye: "What's wrong with your family?" It's about to be collected, so can't you stop?

Mr. Ye immediately began to complain: "Jiang Zhishu, he was very rebellious. He hit me in the room first, and then..."

Before the old man Ye finished speaking, Ye Guangxiang stroked Ye Yu's sleeve: "Jiang Zhishu, I'll show you the wound on Xiao Yu's body."

A skinny arm was exposed, full of blue and purple scars, crisscrossing between the old and the old.

Liao Chuxin also pulled Ye Ze's sleeve up for everyone to see.

Ye Yu and Ye Ze were densely scarred, and the neighbors around them exclaimed:

"How dare you beat the child like this? No wonder Ye Laosan wants to blow it up.

Jiang Dongzhou didn't expect that Ye Yu's sister and brother's blue and purple bodies were layer by layer, which was sad, uncomfortable and angry. He scolded old man Ye angrily:

"Don't you eat tiger poison? What's more, the grandchildren of the next generation?"

"Who hit her?" Mr. Ye didn't expect Jiang Zhishu to think that he hit Ye Yu and hurriedly shirked his responsibility. "Who knows who hit the injury on her body!" Maybe I pinched it myself.

"You have to have a face to talk, right?" Ye Lao San Ye Guangxiang's eyes were cracked. "When I broke into the house, Ye Ze was in a coma on the ground, and Ye Yu struggled in your hand. Was this the situation at that time?"

Mr. Ye was speechless for a moment and couldn't speak.

Ye Guangxiang turned his head and looked at the captain: "Jiang Zhishu, you can also see that our family is running out of life!"

Jiang Dongzhou stared at Mr. Ye hatefully: "The house of chickens flying dogs jumping every day is restless. There are a lot of things to do in Suozigou!" Who do you think has your busy house?

"It's like this. I don't think we can get together in the future. Let's separate!"

"Divide the family? Dream!" Mr. Ye made a voice of hatred.

"Divide the family? I don't want to separate the family. Ye Guangxiang showed a sarcasm at the corners of his lips.

Hearing that Ye Guangxiang didn't want to separate the family, Mr. Ye smiled disapprovingly: "Headvisor, this is our own business, or forget it today?" Let's break up, let's break up!" Mr. Ye smiled.

Before Mr. Ye finished laughing, Ye Guangxiang had continued to say, "I want to report you, a bully devil who abused his grandchildren!"

Ye Guangxiang looked at Jiang Dongzhou: "I'm reporting that he abused my children now! Even his own grandson abused him. This is the devil.

My Family Is Reborn With Materials In The 1950sWhere stories live. Discover now