Chapter 186-187

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Chapter 186: There is a source of the microscope

Time flies. It's already June, May 8th.

The new secretary of Guole Village did not come, and the right-class Muhua did not come.

"What's going on? Didn't you say you would collect our Cistanche?

He didn't know at all that Mou Hua would be in big trouble.

Manager Zhang made trouble for him.

Manager Zhang, who is that?

Even Professor Lu Changao, an academician of Qin Zinong, was polite to talk to him at the beginning, Manager Zhang one by one.

Of course, the academician of the National University must be of high quality and self-restraint, and they are polite and kind to everyone.

However, such a big academician of his family is so polite to talk to me. Do you despise me as a small Mai Mait?

Everyone has a temper.

Manager Zhang is a person, and he must also have it!

After returning to his station, he asked everywhere who had been collecting Cistanche recently.

As soon as I inquired, I was inquired out.

Manager Zhang was happy at that time: "There is a way to heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to hell. Come by yourself."

Manager Zhang never admits that he is a good person, and he never admits that he is a good thing.

He is just a villain!

If a villain revenges, just revenge.

Mouhua is a forestry company and has no right to buy Cistanche at all.

What's the promise of running to someone?

Manager Zhang always had revenge, and immediately went to the old office of the forestry company.

"Is your forestry company ready to acquire pharmaceutical companies in the future? Take away our business?

"How dare you even falsely raise the price and quote the price of one kilogram and 1.5 yuan to Gole Village? Who gave you the pricing right?"

Manager Zhang is like a cannon barrel, one after another.

"You just collected Cistanche. Who will make it? What if the effect of the processing drug cannot be reached and the patient cannot be treated? Are your forestry companies embarrassed to ignore the safety of patients for a little stinky money?

Lao Yi was immediately stunned and denied Sanlian: "I don't know about it. I haven't heard of it. I didn't do it."

"Wait for the investigation!" Manager Zhang threw this sentence down, turned around and left.

I don't know how many people are thinking about the position of Lao Yi and making mistakes. Why don't others jump up like a vampire?

This inexplicable disaster really stunned the old one.

The old man must also want to know who is hurting him.

As a result, the investigation came and went to Mu Hua and a manager of the forestry company.

"Okay! I'm really sitting at home, and misfortune comes from heaven. The old man is very angry.

A manager and Mou Hua fell bad luck, first internally notified, and then accepted the law.

It was July after the forestry company figured out about Mu Hua's affairs and threw Mou Hua in prison.

In order to calm Manager Zhang's anger and compensate Manager Zhang, the older man of the forestry company had to compensate Manager Zhang for the position of a manager.

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