Chapter 39-40

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Chapter 39: Sandstorms in the Desert

The next day, Liao Shuxue put on the black belt and went back to Shat Village to pick up people with Hassan.

Ye Yan continued to tie the grass square with his family.

The whole family works together at a very fast pace.

One person looks like a grass square, and one person pricks a wheat pole into the sand.

Ye Yu held a small shovel and planted all kinds of shrubs in the grass.

She grows it very regularly, and plants one plant every grass square.

It looks flat and vertical.

The autumn sunlight slowly rises to the sky, emitting the highest heat of the day.

The family of three in the grid was a little out of breath.

Rhubarb looked up at the sky, suddenly stood up, bit Ye Yu's sleeve and pulled it in the direction of home.

Ye Yu broke free and was a little curious: "Huang, are you hungry or thirsty?"

She pointed to half a bucket of water left, "Drink it..."

Rhubarb turned over his head and blinked his thick eyelashes, but did not drink water.

Ye Yu didn't know the language of the beast, and he didn't know what rhubarb meant. He picked up a camel sting and was ready to continue planting.

As soon as she stood up, Rhubarb came over again and pulled her arm back.

Ye Yu frowned slightly and shouted to his parents, "Mom and Dad, come here for a moment."

"What's the matter?" Ye Guangxiang took off the turban from his head and wiped a handful of sweat.

Ye Yu pointed to rhubarb: "It's a little strange today!"

Hearing Ye Yu mentioning its name, rhubarb raised his lips and seemed to be responding.

He bit Ye Yu's arm again and pulled it home.

In the desert, camels are spiritual animals.

He was about to let Ye Yu go home today. Ye Guangxiang also felt a little strange. He looked up and right, "Is it going to change?"

Autumn is cool and cloudless.

Liao Chuxin felt that it was better to be safe: "Never, we will be lazy for a day today."

Everyone has been reborn once, and they are very cautious about these mysterious things.

Since rhubarb is a little abnormal, then follow rhubarb.

The whole family cleaned up and shouted Ye Ze, who was running wildly with Xiao Huang, back.

Then walk in the direction of home.

Rhubarb walked very fast and turned his head from time to time to signal Ye Yu to keep up.

Xiao Huang also felt her mother's uneasiness and was next to rhubarb.

Ye Yu's family just walked to the gate of the courtyard with a shelf of the car.

The wind suddenly blew up.

Ye Yu turned his head and saw a huge tornado suddenly rising in the depths of the desert.

The sand in the desert seemed to have been pushed up by an invisible hand.

A high yellow wall pushed towards the periphery of the desert like a tsunami.

Liao Chuxin ran to the chicken nest, caught several chickens in her hand, and mentioned them in the nest.

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