Chapter 143-144

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Chapter 143: After the Storm

This sandstorm is more severe than last time, and the huge storm destroyed a large number of houses.

Many newly planted saplings have been picked up.

Alican hid in the room and prayed in a low voice.

As soon as the sandstorm stopped, Alikun stepped on the sand that flooded his feet, struggled out of the yard and came to the river, crying without tears.

A sandstorm buried all the grass squares they had tied.

A lot of sand was blown into the river by the wind, and the river looked a little narrower and bent.

If the river bends again, it will be diverted.

Rivers in the desert are different from those in plains.

If the rivers in the plains are diverted, floods will occur, which will wash down houses and make people homeless.

If the river in the desert is diverted, it will seep into the sand and dry up.

In fact, the ending is the same.

They are all homeless.

The Uighur uncle who had discussed the grass square with him before came over and looked gloomy: "Alequin, I said long ago that the grass square is not good. Look, it has been buried in the sand."

Alex Quinn remembered Ye Guangxiang's words before leaving: "Uncle Alikun, Zha Cao's square is a long-year job. At the beginning, it is easy to fail and covered up by the wind and sand. But don't be discouraged, as long as you stick to it.

"A few days, I'm afraid of piercing dozens of meters. Over time, the grass square can fix the desert."

Uncle Uighurs are still complaining endlessly: "Brother Alex Quin, now our wheat fields are covered by the wind and sand. What do you think we should do? Do you want to organize members to clear the sand in the wheat field..."

The old man continued to complain, "But it's clear like this. When is it an end? We have cleared it once this month!"

"Hu Da, won't you give us a way to live?"

Complaining is like a magic sound pouring into his ears, which made Alexandrou frown extremely tightly.

He thought of a thousand years of crossing.

What does the millennium crossing look like in the face of wind and sand? Is it the same as the village of Gole?

In his ear, Uncle Uighur kept complaining.

Alican didn't want to listen to complaints anymore, so he turned around and walked slowly along the river.

My eyes are godless...

As soon as he walked a few steps, he suddenly saw a touch of green.

Alikun's eyes widened and rubbed them, which was a little incredible.

In front of him, several shuttle saplings were tenaciously standing on the river ravaged by the wind and sand.

It was not blown down by the wind and sand, and it did not wither.

Not far from these saplings, he cut the shuttle seedlings himself. At this time, they were crooked and did not survive at first glance.

"Have you lived?"

Alikun trotted over, touching the saplings like a treasure.

He, who had given up, suddenly survived after seeing these small saplings.

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