Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: I stole your meat. What's wrong?

When the meat was robbed, Ye Jinzhi was stunned for a moment, and then angry: "Third uncle, how can you rob my snake meat?"

Mr. Ye was also annoyed and patted his chopsticks on the table: "Third, what do you want to do?"

Ye Guangxiang narrowed at Mr. Ye, and his eyebrows were full of sneer: "Yesterday, my daughter was beaten all over, and my son was unconscious!" I didn't even apologize. What's wrong with me eating your piece of meat?"

All the members of the Suozigou were eating in the canteen. Seeing Ye Guangxiang openly robbed Mr. Ye's meat, he whispered.

"Dr. Su went to see it this morning. Ye Ze hasn't woken up this morning. It's too hard!"

"I think Ye Laoer's family was very happy when they came to dinner. There was no regret at all."

"Teaching such a daughter, Ye Laoer is not a good thing."

"Lao Ye is too biased. When the third brother's child was beaten like that, he actually scolded the third brother? Don't scold the second brother who beats people?"

"I've never seen such an eccentric parent. It's chilling."

Listening to this harsh comments, Mr. Ye was in the intention to defend himself.

But when he said a word to Shangye Guangxiang's ice-like eyes, he couldn't say a word.

He felt that as long as he made a sound, Ye Guangxiang would definitely rush up and beat him up.

Just like yesterday!

Ye Laoer couldn't help saying, "Third, if you lack that bite of food, you can't grab the meat of the golden branch!" Jin Zhi is your own niece.

Ye Guangxiang looked at him, his cold eyes bent slightly, and his smile was full of wildness:

"So you know that Jin Zhi is my own niece? Did you forget that Kom and Ozawa also called you Erbo? Can you eat meat at ease if you beat them like that?"

Seeing Ye Guangxiang say this, Ye Laoer swallowed saliva and inexplicably did not dare to squeak.

Seeing that neither his own father nor his own grandfather grabbed meat for her, Ye Jinzhi was anxious: "My meat!"

Ye Laoer slapped her on the head: "What meat? Sit down!"

I was slapped, and the meat was gone.

Ye Jinzhi was so sad that tears flowed down: "I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat!"

She suddenly put the bowl on the table and howled, "I want to eat meat!"

Seeing Ye Jinzhi crying so sadly, several members in the canteen who made friends with Ye Laoer couldn't help but:

"Ye Guangxiang, grab children's meat to eat? It's a little too much!"

"You have conflicts with your second brother. How can you bully children? Are you still not a man?"

Ye Guangxiang suddenly kicked the table. The table overturned, and the bowls, chopsticks and soup on it buckled Ye's whole body.

The Ye family stood up screaming and wiped the soup on his body: "Third, are you crazy?"

"Is this a conflict between me and my second brother? This is the second family who bullies my daughter and beats my child to death!" Ye Guangxiang smiled and looked at the gloomy:

"Yesterday, my family was blue and purple. Why didn't Ozawa see you preside over justice when he was in a coma? What kind of gentleman do you pretend to be one by one?

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