Chapter 131-132

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Chapter 131: Ye Yu's Observation Notes

Balati's camel was also scared by the wolf howling last night and refused to walk today.

Hassan had no choice but to put rhubarb.

Ru Xian prepared a lot of food and water for Hassan.

Aunt Guri has made a lot of advice.

When sending Hasan away, Aunt Gu Li sighed, "Hu Dao bless Hasan peace on the road."

"He has a gun and meat and flesh feces. It should be fine." Ru Xian comforted Aunt Gu Li:

Balati came all the way from Alar, and it was okay to deliver letters along the way. Hassan just helped him send letters from a few villages, and it will be fine.

They talked about Hassan's letter here. In Tokek Village, Aimati's father was cold all over.

"My son left Tokek Village a few days ago?" Emati's father couldn't believe it, "He's alone. How can you let him go?"

Cam couldn't help it: "Didn't he come alone when he came to our village?" Besides, Aimati is a few months older than me. Why should I take care of him?"

Aimati's father choked: "But he came to your house as a guest and was your guest."

"Which guest have you ever seen in someone else's house for nearly a month without even saying thank you?" Kam's mother said coldly, "I thought you sent some grain to my family today as a thank you. Who ever thought that you didn't send a grain, but asked us?"

"If we had known you were such a person, our family would not have took in your son."

Cam's mother pointed to the door: "Leave my house. I don't welcome people like you!"

"But my son left your house. You have to explain it to my house." Aimati's father shouted.

"Are you going?" Kam's mother was furious, "I'll tell you now."

With that, she picked up the broom sweeping the yard and swept it on Aimati's father:

"Get out of my house! I have lived in my house for a month. How much does your son eat with your camel?

She cleaned it, drove Aimati's father out of the yard, and then closed the door directly to the courtyard.

"Hu Da, how can there be such a person?" Aimati's father trembled with anger, "My son has left your house. You don't know where he has gone?"

"Your son stole the treasure of the country!" Cam's mother scolded in the yard, "If you dare to shout outside my yard, I will shout about it all over the world."

Hearing Kam's mother say this, Aimati's father was still a little rational and immediately retorted:

"Nonsense, my son didn't take the treasure at all. You are spreading rumors!"

Aunt Guri warned him that if the advanced plaque was removed because of his son stealing the treasure, he would drive his family out of the thousand years.

Therefore, he had to bite his son and didn't take the treasure.

Cam's mother sneered in the hospital: "What does your son have to do with us whether he takes the treasure or not?" Get out of here."

Aimati's father opened his mouth to scold him, but when he heard Cam's mother's mouth of treasure, all the swearing words were swallowed back into his stomach.

The most urgent thing now is to find Aimati.

But where will Emati go?

He took the camel out of the village with a deep foot.

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