Chapter 61-62

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Chapter 61: The Fragrant and Stinky Shat Village

Not only did the millennium crossing hear the wolf howling here, but the 17th regiment field, which was one day away from the Millennium Cross, also heard about wild wolves.

Someone said that there was no need to worry: "There are so many of us that wolves dare not come."

"If they dare to come, let's shoot. I'll see who is afraid of it!"

But some people also expressed concern: "I try to come back before dawn in the evening. There is no wall in our 17th regiment yard, so we can't prevent wolves."

"The cattle, donkeys and mules raised in the livestock shed need to be appeased. I think they are very irritable these days."

Zhang Mu and others held a special meeting: "We should step up our efforts to prevent wild wolves."

"It's strange that they were not seen moving on the edge of the desert in the winter of previous years."

"Didn't you kill a lot of animals in the last sandstorm. Is there nothing to eat in the desert? So are you running to the edge of the desert?"

"Anyway, be more careful." Zhang Mu thought for a moment, "The weapons are distributed, and even women should teach them how to shoot."

The Chief of Staff and the Political Commissar nodded at the same time.

The curtain was lifted, and Leader Li came in angrily: "It's so annoying."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Mu handed over a piece of paper and tobacco.

Leader Li sat down and spread the cigarette paper, poured the tobacco, rolled it up carefully, licked his tongue, and then caught fire: "It's not that Guyley!"

"What's wrong with Gu Yili?" Zhang Mu also had a headache when he heard Gu Yili's name.

The whole 17th regiment court knows that Gu Yili is awkward-tempered and does not listen to advice.

"To put it bluntly, work is also a good hand." Leader Li said and was angry again, "But I asked her to work with several women from Hunan Province. She didn't want to die, so she had to be with the people from Shat Village."

"Then you didn't ask clearly why she refused to partner?" Zhang Mu thought about it, but he couldn't figure it out.

"If I could figure it out, I wouldn't be so angry." Leader Li patted the table angrily, "You said, I came from the station from afar, made up their household registration, and guided them to work. I have a heart for their own good... Why is this attitude?"

At this time, several villagers from Chatt Village gathered around and whispered.

Gu Yili wiped her tears: "They asked me to work with several women in Hunan Province... I can't stand it."

"Oh!" Everyone sighed at the same time.

"I don't want to ask me why I don't want to say it..." Gu Yili sobbed. "I can't tell them that you can't eat donkey meat in front of me? Hu Da didn't let us eat, but he didn't let others eat! After all, they believe differently from us.

Several people sighed at the same time: "The 17th Regiment Yard is really good for us. They don't have enough shelter, so they squeezed out one for our family."

"Our livestock can also live in their livestock sheds and eat the forage they have made."

"People's hearts are meaty. They are good to us. How can we bother them about food?"

Someone suggested, "It really doesn't work. Let's go back to Chatter Village to have a look. Has the well returned to the water? If it comes back, just go back to the village to live.

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