Chapter 2

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-Present Time-

Lena was doing her usual routine... Eat breakfast, go to L-Corp, do her work... It's been three months since Agent Liberty seeded the air with Kryptonite... Three months since she had to send Kara away... She missed Kara... She missed telling her about her day, she missed Kara's smile... Everything's been different without her... Lena herself has been different without her. She wouldn't go to L-Corp. Every day, she would  just  stay in her penthouse locked up, blaming herself for not trying harder to save Kara. Sometimes Alex would come over, bring some food, and comfort Lena but today was different. Today.. 

Lena was waiting nervously... The past 3 minutes have felt like an eternity. Suddenly, the alarm on her phone started to ring... It was time... 


'Oh God'  she thought, 'I can't be pregnant, not now.' A tear fell from her eyes as she called Alex. 

Lena:  Alex? Are you busy? When can you come here? I need to tell you something. 

Alex:  I'll be there soon. 

-----------10 mins later------------

"Lena, I got your message. Is something wrong?" 

"Alex, I need to tell you something but you need to keep it a secret."

"Of course, anything" 

"I'm pregnant. It's Kara's" 

"Oh my gosh Lena! That's great news." 

"I'm not keeping it." 

"What? Why?" 

"I can't do this without Kara." 

"Lena, if Kara were here, she would want you to keep the baby. Besides, you have us too! " 

"I'll think about it. Do you think you can check how far along I am?" 

"Of course! We'll have to sneak into the DEO if we don't want anyone to know" 

"Alright, 12 midnight tonight?" 

"Sure! See you!" 

------------Time Skip to 12 midnight-------------

"Alright Lena, you ready?" 

"I am" 

"Alright so... You are around 6 weeks pregnant. We should be able to tell the gender in around 2 weeks and since Kryptonian babies develop quicker, the pregnancy should last for 6 months. " 

"Got it, thank you Alex." 

--------------The next day (in the DEO) ---------------

"Alex the next time you and Lena want to do an ultrasound you can always tell me. You don't need to break in." 

"J'onn? How'd you know?" 

"Alex I can read your mind. I can also check the cameras to see what's going on." 

Alex slapped herself for not remembering "Oh, the cameras- I forgot to disable them." 

"Yes, you did. So, tell me about it. How far along is she? Is it Kara's? Can you tell the gender yet?" 

"Lena's gonna kill me for saying this but she's 6 weeks along. Yes, it is Kara's and no, we'll be able to tell the gender in a week or 2."

"Got it. Next time you plan to sneak into the DEO, ask for my permission. Do you Understand?" 

"Yes. And please don't tell this to anyone." 

"Don't tell what to anyone?" Asked Winn. 

"Nothing, What's up Winn?" 

"So I found a ship underwater I thought you might wanna investigate" 

"Wait... It says here that the ship is centuries old..." 

"So if it's centuries old then that means..." 

"If there are still any aliens or people on board that are still alive..."

"Then they should be dead or extremely old. J'onn, do you know any alien species that can live for around 3,000 years? " 

"Not that I know of." 

"Do you want to check it out or...."

"Well, has it sent any signals in the past few years?" 

"It hasn't. In fact, I think the ship is too old to be functional. " 

"Then we'll leave it be for now." 

----------------- Two weeks later (the ultrasound) ---------------------

Alex to J'onn: J'onn, I'm gonna use the medbay later for Lena. 

J'onn to Alex: Sure. I'll dismiss the workers earlier tonight. 

Alex to J'onn: Around 8pm tonight. 

J'onn to Alex: Alright. 

Alex to J'onn: Thanks. 


Lena to Alex: What time should I be there? 

Alex to Lena: 8pm tonight.

Lena to Alex: That's too early. Everyone will see us. 

Alex to Lena: I told J'onn about it. Don't worry. He won't tell anyone

Lena to Alex: Alright, thanks again. See you there. 

Hey everyone!

 It's me again! I hope you liked this chapter. I'm revealing the gender in the next chapter. And I think you know who's in the mystery ship. I'm getting Kara and Lena back together with a twist... Mon-El will be there too. Kara may have to choose. The next few chapters might be delayed since I haven't thought of how I'm gonna write the next few chapters. Let me know what you think about this fic. Thank you! Again, none of these characters belong to me. They all belong to the CW. 

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