Chapter 23

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"Huh? What?" Asked Kara as she immediately rushed to where Alura was. 

"What's wro- LENA!" Screamed Kara as she saw an unconscious Lena lying on the bathroom floor. 

"I don't see the twins." Said Alura who was looking around, worried. 

"Me neither. Can you check if she's okay? Ask Kelex? Or I'll call Alex" Said Kara as she settled Lena on the bed. 

"Kelex!" Shouted Alura

"Yes, Your Highness?" Asked Kelex as he hovered in. 

"Call Director Danvers. Say it's an emergency. " Said Alura.

A few moments later...

"Kara! What happened? Kelex told me-" Said Alex as she ran into the room. 

"Alex, can you check what's wrong with Lena? Is she okay?" Asked Kara

"Okay... Uhh... She's okay. She was just knocked unconscious." Said Alex after examining Lena. 

"Okay, thank Rao... Who and why would someone do this to us?" Asked Kara. 

"I don't know. Reign is gone so who could do this and what could they-" Said Alura before she was cut off. 

"K-Kara..." Murmured Lena as she began to wake up. 

"Lena?" Asked Kara as she immediately held Lena's hand.

"K-Kara..." Said Lena as her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, Lena, I'm here." Said Kara as she pulled Lena into a hug. 

"What happened?" Asked Lena. 

"Don't you remember what happened before this?" Asked Alex. 

"Before what?" Asked Lena. 

"You were knocked out." Said Kara. 

"Before I was knocked out... Wha-" Said Lena as she rubbled her head until she started to remember. "Oh no. No no no this can't be happening. The twins- Where are the twins." Said Lena as she tried to get out of bed. 

"Lena, wait, what happened?" Asked Kara. 

"I was feeding Jeremy when Mon-El and a few other people barged in. They tried to grab Lizzie and tried to take me with Jeremy. Then I guess they heard you and Alura coming. So they knocked me out and ran off with the twins." Said Lena as she started to cry. 

"Mon-El? Why-" Said Kara madly as she thought of what they had to do to get their children back.

"This is my fault. I'm a bad mother. I can't even take care of my children. I should've looked after them better. Now who knows what'll happen to them- I- We need to find them Kara. We can't lose them. I don't know what would happen if one of them gets hurt." Sobbed Lena. 

"No, Lena this isn't your fault. We'll get the twins back. I promise I'll do everything I can to get them back." Said Kara. 

"Kara, I would suggest sending a message to the Daxamites, but you know Mon-El better. what do you think we should do next?" Asked Alura.

"You're right. We should send a message to them. Tell them to return the twins. If they refuse to give the twins back, then we'll have to take them back by force."

"I agree. I'll send a message to the Daxamites." Said Alura as she turned to the door. Then she paused and said: "Kara, I need you to come with me. I highly doubt Mon-El will listen to me."

"I will but can you give me a few minutes? I'll follow you soon. I  need to talk to Lena. And can Lena come with us? I don't want to leave her alone right now." Said Kara as she rubbed soothing circles around Lena's back.

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