Chapter 4

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Kara waited until Alex, J'onn, and Winn left before she snuck out of the medbay. Once she got out, she immediately ran to the armory. She knocked out the two agents guarding it and snuck in. Once she found the device she was looking for, she turned to leave, what she didn't expect to see was Alex and J'onn with a group of DEO agents. Ready to take her down. Suddenly, she felt a Kryptonite stun dart hit her and she immediately blacked out. 

-------1 hour later (In a DEO cell) --------

"You're up..." 

"Alex please, you have to understand, I'm doing this for your own good." 

"You sneaking out of the medbay, stealing DEO property, and almost killing two DEO agents? You did that for my own safety? Who are you? The Kara I knew wouldn't have done that." 

"The Kara you knew died in that pod when she had to be sent away." 

"What happened to you? It's only been three months, how could a person change so much in three months?!?!" 

"It's been three YEARS Alex, three months for you but three YEARS for me." 

"So what? You just moved on? You haven't even asked about your girlfriend ever since you were back. You know she locked herself up for a month after you left? Don't you have anything to say? " 


"Nothing at all?" 


"Shame on you Kara, shame on you." 

---------A few moments later...---------

"Winn please you have to help me." 

"Why exactly should I help you Kara?" 

"I'm just doing this for the safety of everyone I love." 

"Alright but just this once." 

-------10 minutes later------

Alex walks past Kara's cell before she decides to check in on her and maybe try and change her mind. When she goes into Kara's room... The cell door is open. Someone helped Kara escape... Alex immediately goes to Kara's alien ship. In the ship...

"Uhh Winn, can you reset the pumps?" 

"Sure, but umm how do I?" 

"Just press the big red button." 

"Oh, Alright" 

Winn turns back to reset the pumps but....

"Winn, you okay?" Kara and Winn turn to see Alex standing right behind them

"Alex, he didn't do anything. I convinced him to help me." 

"Alright, enough of this. I'm taking the both of you back to the DEO." 

"Alex, one minute please" 

"Kara, NOW" 

Suddenly, the ship's sensor started to ring....

"What's that?!?!" Asked Winn, in a panic

As soon as Kara heard the ship's alarm, she immediately rushed to the ship's contol panel. And started pressing a few buttons. 

"No, no, no, no... I can redirect the power to all the chambers except..."


Kara immediately rushed to a chamber and started punching it. 

"He's drowning. I need to get him out now!" She said as she continued punching. 

Suddenly, the glass broke and the liquid was rushing out. A very familiar man fell right into Kara's arms. 

"Hey, you're okay." Kara said as she kissed the man's forehead. 

Alex and Winn were shocked at what they just saw... 

"Kara, is that-" 

"I'll explain later. Can we take him to the DEO first?" 

"Uh sure" 

----------At the DEO----------

"He's  okay."

"Kara? Is this really Mon-El?" 

"Yes it is." 

"So, I'm guessing L-Corp also developed a cure for Daxamites?" 

Before Kara could have a chance to answer... They heard Mon-El wake up and say: "Yes they did." 

"You're up, I was so worried about you" 

"I'm fine now, thanks to you." 

Alex turned to leave the medbay to give them some time alone but,  as soon as Alex left the medbay, she ran into a panicked Winn. 

"Alex, it's Lena. She's outside. " 

"WHAT?!?! Oh no... I forgot. She has a scheduled checkup today." 

"What do we do? Kara's in the medbay." 

"We can't let her see them."

"See who?" Asked Lena. 

"Uhhh no one" Said Winn

"I grew up in a family who full of lies. I can tell if someone's lying to me." 

"Lena please just let it go." 

"If you don't tell me, I'll go in there myself." 

"Alright alright, I'll tell you" 

"Who is it?" 

"It's Kara..." 

"You're joking" 

"I'm not..." 

"How long has she been here?" 

"Around four days..." 

"You've hid her for four days?!?! Why? " 


"Why?!?! "

"Lena, Kara's changed. We didn't want her to hurt you. " 

"Take me to her" 

"I'm sorry Lena, I can't" 

"Alex, NOW!" 

"Alright but I'm warning you. Kara isn't who she was before." 

Alex brought Lena into the medbay but when they walked in... 


"Kara... Is that you?" 

"It's me." 

"You're alive! I missed you so much!" Lena sobbed

"I did too..." 

As Lena turned to kiss Kara...

"Whoa Lena, what are you doing?"

"I'm kissing you silly. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Um Lena, there's no easier way to say this but uh, I'm married to Mon-El."


Hey again, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for the ending, I couldn't think of a proper way to end this chapter so I just typed whatever made sense. I'll try to think of a way to fix this in the next chapter. Like I said before, I don't know when I'm going to post the next chapter but as much as possible, I'll try to post it tomorrow. Again, I do not own any of there characters. They all belong to the CW. Thank you!

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