Chapter 5

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"I'm married to Mon-El" Those words echoed inside Lena's head. "What do I do?" she thought, The mother of her children was married to someone else... 

"Lena? Are you okay?"

"Um yes, I'm fine... I think I'm gonna go back to L-Corp. I have a meeting in 30 minutes." 

As soon as Lena left the room, Alex immediately said:

"I should catch up with her."

"Yea, you should. I'll go talk with her later."

--------Outside the DEO-------------

"Lena, hey, look, I know things are bad but I'll try to talk to Kara."

"What's there to talk about. The mother of my children is married."


"I don't think I'll keep them."

"No Lena please- I'll talk to Kara, I'll tell her to get a divorce or something."

"Kara seems happy with Mon-El. I don't want her to give him up for me."

"Lena, You don't deserve this. Kara once told me that she was happier with you than with Mon-El. She loves you more than Mon-El."

"If she did, she wouldn't have married him. "

"Maybe she was forced to."

"I'm leaving now. Like I said, I have a meeting to get to. Bye Alex."

-----------------In L-Corp----------------------

Lena was busy signing some papers when someone came in. She expected it to be her assistant, Jess, but when she looked up, it was someone she didn't expect.

"Hey Lena"


"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine..."

"Lena, I'm really sorry for all of this. I know I hurt you but I really don't mean to... I still love you Lena. "

"If you did, you wouldn't have married Mon-El"

"Lena, you're my soulmate. I only married Mon-El because I was forced to. Besides, you moved on already, why can't I?"

" What made you think I moved on?"

"You're clearly pregnant Lena... The proof is right in front of me." Kara said. 

Lena was now 3 months pregnant and her belly was growing bigger and it was more visible now. 

"Kara, I didn't move on."

"How else would you get pregnant Lena? You don't just magically have a kid inside you."

"The 'kid' is yours."


Kara was shocked. She didn't expect Lena to be pregnant with her child.... She knew it was imposible


"Do I really need to tell you how?" 

"No, no Kryptonians aren't supposed to be able to reproduce with humans" 

"How do you explain this then?" Lena asked. 

"I don't know... Can I bring you to the fortress? Maybe my mother's hologram can tell us. " 

"Sure. But I don't have a day." 


----------In the fortress------------

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