Chapter 16

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A few hours later after Lena left....

Kara just finished fixing the communicator when she received a signal from Earth...

"Alex? Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing's happened since you left yet. Reign hasn't attacked or killed anyone yet but I just wanted to tell you we've prepared the gold kryptonite bullets already. I'm not sure if J'onn gun will work though. We might need a back up plan."

"I think a normal Kryptonian weapon will do. We just need to mix the Kryptonite with Kryptonian metal then make it into a bullet or in case we need to hit her close, a knife."

"Yep. That'll work. I'll have some gold Kryptonite portaled through."

"Okay. I'll go prepare the portal and finish the communicator."

"Okay, send me a signal if the portal is ready. I'll send one if I get any updates on Reign."

"Okay, bye Alex. Stay safe!"

"Bye Kara!" 

--------------------In the Argo Marketplace------------------

"Sam? You okay?" Asked Lena when she noticed Sam acting strangely.

"Yea, I'm fine. Why don't you continue the tour with Ruby. I'll go back to the palace." Said Sam.

"Are you not feeling well? Is something wrong? We can continue the tour tomorrow?"

"No no! There's no need for that. I'm just tired. That's all." 

"Okay... Well do you need someone to accompany you back?"

"No, it's fine. I can go myself."

"Okay... Are you sure? Do you want Ruby to go back with you?"

"No! I can go myself."

"Okay... Bye then?"

"Bye" Said Sam as she walked off.

"Uhh well that was weird..." Said Lena to herself.

"Aunt Lena? Can we continue?" Asked Ruby.

"Oh! Yes! Sure! Let's go..."

---Time skip a few hours later to Kara and Lena's Room---

"Hey Lee! So... How was it?"

"It was nice. I think Ruby really enjoyed it. Sam left early though."

"What? Where'd she go?" 

"She said she was tired and that she was going back... She was acting weird.... Didn't you see her?"

"I didn't- I also wasn't notified by Kelex..."

"Maybe an AI malfunction?" 

"Probably... Anyways, we can see them later. For now, you should take a rest. It's been a long day. I'll call you when dinner's ready." 

"Where are you going?" 

"I'm just gonna get my tablet from the lab in case Alex calls. Then I'll come back and stay with you." 

"Oh... Okay...."

A few minutes later....

"So... how are things with Reign?" Asked Lena when Kara got in bed with her.

"Things are going well so far... I've finished the communicator and the science guild is trying to make a gold kryptonite knife and gun-" Kara continued but was cut off when Ruby ran into the room.

"Ruby? What are you doing here? Where's your mom? Let's go to your room okay?" Said Lena.

"No! Don't go there!" Said Ruby immediately.

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