Chapter 24

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As soon as Kara and Lena had finished getting ready, they said their goodbyes and stepped into the portal that would take them to Earth. When they stepped out, Lena and the Kryptonian guards, went straight to L-Corp. Kara, on the other hand, went to CatCo.  When Kara reached CatCo...

"Hello, I'm here to speak with Ms. Grant" Said Kara to Ms. Grant's new assistant. 

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Asked the assistant.

"Ummm... Lara, Lara Zorel." Said Kara quickly as she thought of a fake name.

"Lara Zorel... Hmmm... I don't think Ms. Grant has an appointment with you." Said the assistant as she looked at Ms. Grant's appointment schedule

"Yeah um that's because- Uh- Lois Lane sent me on short notice. It's for a meeting." Said Kara.

"Hmm... I'll see if Ms. Grant is available." Said the assistant.

"Okay, thank you." Said Kara.

A few minutes later, Kara saw the assistant coming back.

"You may go in." Said the assistant.

"Thank you." Said Kara as she nervously walked into Ms. Grant's office.


"What does Lois want?" Said Ms. Grant as she didn't even bother to look up from her laptop.

"Uh- I'm not here for Lois." Said Kara.

"Then wha- Kiera?" Asked Ms. Grant as she recognized her former assistant's voice and looked up.

"Um, yeah. Sorry, I had to think of something otherwise your assistant probably wouldn't have let me in." 

"I should've known. Where have you been?" Asked Ms. Grant as she left her seat.

"It's a long story..." Said Kara quietly.

"What?" Asked Ms. Grant.

"Can we talk somewhere private?" Asked Kara.

"Yes, come with me." Said Ms. Grant as she brought Kara to an empty office.


A few moments later...

"So, where have you been?" Asked Cat.

"Um first, I need to tell you something..." Said Kara as she started to fidget with hands.

"What? Keira, you know I don't like it when you get all nervous. Just tell me." Said Cat.

"I'm Supergirl." Said Kara as she took her glasses off.

"And?" Said Cat, unsurprised

"What do you mean and?" Asked Kara, surprised about her reaction. She thought Cat, like everyone else would have a some reaction but Cat's response to Kara's secret surprised her.

"Kiera, did you really think your trick with your Martian friend fooled me? Those glasses don't even hide your identity well. I don't even know how you've kept your identity a secret for this long. A five year-old child would probably be able to tell who you are." Said Cat. 

"I mean for someone who calls me Kiera instead of Kara..." 

"Anyways, what does you being Supergirl have to do about your mysterious disappearance." Asked Cat.

"I've been in Argo City. The capital of Krypton."

"And? I'm assuming you're the one who kidnapped Ms. Luthor." Said Cat.

"Kidnapped? What- I wouldn't say I kidnapped her." Said Kara.

"What?" Asked Cat.

"Lena's my wife. I brought her there because there were some... uh... complications during her pregnancy. So she wasn't able to stay on Earth."

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