Chapter 27

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Alura was on her way to check on Lena when she saw Alex in the room. She decided to go in... 

"Lena, Alex, may I come in?" Asked Alura. 

"Come in, Alura." She heard Alex say before she went in. 

"What happened? " Asked Alura as she noticed Alex partly angry and Lena who had a guilty face

"Lena found a note from Kara and she decided that she would find her. Which I'm okay with. We'll help her anyways, but she decided to not sleep and she's been tracking the Daxamite ship the entire night!" 

"What note? Lena?" 

"I can't just stand by! I need to look for Kara... How could you just sit around and not do anything?" Said Lena as she looked down. 

"I wasn't standing by. I did find Kara. She's on the Daxamite ship and on her way to Daxam." Explained Alura. 

"How do you know?" Asked Lena as she suddenly looked up when Alura mentioned ab9ut finidng Kara. 

"I was tracing the message the Daxamites sent to us and it led to a certain ship. Which is theirs. I hacked into the communication system and they said they were going to Daxam."

"Did it say what they're gonna do there?" Asked Alex. 

"I don't know... They just said to prepare." 

"For what?" Asked Lena. 

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Anyways, Lena, I'm already looking for Kara and you probably didn't achieve anything from your find. So please just leave this to me. I'll ask for your help if I need it. For now, please take care of Jeremy and Lizzie. They're only a few days old and they've been through so much already. The only way you can help is by taking care of them. Okay?" Asked Alura. 

"I- Okay..." Answered Lena. 

"Good. Now, I believe we have some guests to attend to. And we may have to also answer some questions. I'm going to entertain them. Would you like to come with me?"

"I'll go with you. Lena? You coming?" Asked Alex

"I'll go... And I'll take the twins with us. They need someone with them and I can't lose them too..." Said Lena. 

"Okay, we understand. You don't have to explain. Besides, I think people will want to see them too." Said Alex as she and Lena left with Alura and the twins. 

In the dining hall... 

Lena, Alex, and Alura all walked into the dining hall where Clark, Lois, Jonathan, Jordan, Cat, Carter, Sam, Ruby, and Eliza were all sitting while talking together. 

"Aunt Lena!" Exclaimed Ruby when she saw Lena with the twins. 

"Hey Ruby, hey Sam" Said Lena with a small smile as she hugged the girl. 

"Ms. Luthor, How are you? Congratulations on your kids. They look adorable." Said Cat as she stood up to shake Lena's hand. 

"Please call me Lena, I'm fine. Thank you. " Said Lena as she shook Cat's hand

"Lena, nice to see you again." Said Clark as he and Lois hugged Lena. 

"You too Clark." Said Lena. 

"Where's Kara?" Asked Carter once all of them had settled down. 

"She um- She's with Mon-El..." Said Lena nervously. 

"What?!?!" Asked all of them all at once. 

"I thought she was staying with you! Is she okay? " Asked Clark. 

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