Chapter 9

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              It had been 4 days since Lena was rescued. Ever since she was rescued, she took better care of herself and went back to working at L-Corp... It was a normal day and Lena was working in her office, drowning in work, until an unwanted and unexpected visitor came in...

"Hello Lena" Came a familiar voice.

Lena looked up to see who it was... "Hello Mother, what do you want?"

"Now is that any way to treat your mother? Can't a mother visit her daughter?"

"Only mothers that love their daughters and didn't torture them are allowed to do that."

"And I do love you, Lena."

"Now, we both know you don't. You just say that when you want something from me. So what exactly do you want now, and don't say you need my help murdering innocent people."

"I just want to know, who's baby are you carrying?" Asked Lillian.

"It's none of your business."

"Oh it is, it's my grandchild after all."

"They're not your grandchildren."

"They?" Asked Lillian when she heard what Lena said.

"Whatever just leave now please. Before I have security throw you out and have you arrested."

"Come on now Lena, I just want to know." Said Lillian as she pulled out a DNA scanner.

"Leave us alone." Said Lena as she backed off.

"You married Supergirl."

"Yes and so what?"

"You became an alien. You are a disgrace to the Luthor name."

"I'm not a Luthor."

"Oh you are, and those roaches are not. They don't deserve our name."

"Don't call them that."

"You're protecting them?"

"I would, with my life."

"Then maybe you should die with them."

"You wouldn't"

"Oh, now that you're one of them, I would." Said Lillian as she grabbed Lena, gave her a drug, and pushed her off the balcony.

Lena expected her life to end soon. She expected a quick death. She thought she could finally be with Kara. But suddenly, she realized she was floating. Someone had caught her. Someone familiar. She looked up and didn't believe what she saw.

"Kara?" Said Lena right before she closed her eyes.

-------------------In Kara's loft---------------------

Lena had blacked out due to the drug Lillian gave her. When she woke up... 

"How am I here? What happened? Who saved me? Was it Kara I just saw earlier? No, it can't be..." Her thoughts were cut off when someone walked into the room...

"Lena, you're awake..."


"It's me"

"It- It can't be.. you died-"

"I did..."

"I'm dreaming right..."

"You aren't"

"No-No it can't be..." Said Lena as tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Hey, Lena... It's me." Said Kara as she tried to go closer to Lena.

"How do I know you're not one of Lillian's tricks to toy with my mind."

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