Chapter 21

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"Guys, I'm so sorry to interrupt you. I know this is very important but Lena just sent me a message. She's going into labor."

"What?" Asked Sam. 

"Lena's going into labor.  I've already sent a medical team to the room and I'm going there too." Said Alex. 

"I'll go too. Alura... I'm so sorry. Let's talk later."

"I understand. I'll go to the medbay and I'm going to try and wake Kara up." 

"Okay. Get Brainy. He might be able to help. Sam, lets go." 

----------In Kara and Lena's room---------

When Alex and Sam entered the room, they found Lena, on her bed. Sobbing not only from the pain but scared that she'd have to give birth without her wife by her side. 

"Hey, Lena, we're here. Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." Said Alex.

"I want Kara. I need her" Sobbed Lena as she went through another contraction. 

"Lena, Alura's in the Medbay with Kara now. She's going to try and wake Kara up. If Kara wakes up, she'll tell her. Don't worry." Said Sam as she held Lena's hand. 

-----------In the Medbay----------

"So you found a way to enter Kara's mind and see what's preventing her from waking up?" Asked Alura. 

"I did. Do you want to go into her mind? Or do I?" 

"I'll go." 

"Okay, I need you to wear this. It's my Legion crown. I added some upgrades so now it should allow you to enter her mind." 

"Okay." Said Alura as she put the crown on. 


"Yes. Send me in." Said Alura. 

------------Inside Kara's mind-------------

"Argh where is it?" Asked Kara, frustrated she couldn't find it.


"Mom? Wait. Why are you here? Am I hallucinating?" 

"Brainy devised a way for me to get into your mind. Kara, you need to wake up. Now. Lena's going into labor and the little ones are coming soon. They need you."

"What? Did you say Lena's going into labor?" 

"I did. You need to get out of here." 

"I know. I think I know how to get out. I need to look for my keys. But I can't find them." 

"I'll help you look. Where haven't you checked?" Asked Alura

"The kitchen and living room?" Replied Kara.

"Hmm. Okay."

An hour later.... 

"It's not here! Are you sure you looked everywhere?" Asked Alura. 

"Yeah, I've checked everywhere else." Said Kara. 

"I can't find it. Maybe we should take a break..." Said Alura as she sat on the couch. 

"Alright. But just a short one. Lena needs me." Said Kara. 

Both Kara and Alura sat in silence for a few minutes until Alura finally broke it.

"So is this where you live on Earth?" 

"Yeah. This is my loft."

"It's quite small." 

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