Chapter 25

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Lena had finally retrieved the twins from the Daxamites, but when she tried to teleport back...

"No... Why won't it work?!?!" Asked Lena as she tried to teleport back. Then it hit her... The Argo defenses. After Kara left, they activated the Argo defenses which wouldn't allow anyone to enter. Which meant she couldn't go back to Argo until they take the security defenses down. So she teleported to the only place she could go... Earth. 


"Kara, you pacing around is not helping. I know you want to find Lena, but doing that won't help. We're trying all we can to find her." Said Alura.

"I know... I'm sorry. I just can't lose her too. I hope she's safe..."

"We all want her to be safe. We'll find her. Don't worry." Said Alura as she hugged Kara.

"What if I surrender myself to the Daxamites. Maybe they'll give the twins back." Said Kara as she pulled away.

"Kara, no. Lena wouldn't want you to do this. You can't do this." Said Alura. 

"But I have to. I'll do anything for them to be safe here. Mon-El  won't hurt me. Just- Please? Let me go?" 

"Kara, I won't allow that. I'm sorry. If your plan doesn't work, I'll lose all of you. And I can't. I just got you back." Said Alura sternly.

"I- Mom, I understand, but I can't lose Lena or the twins." Protested Kara.

"No, Kara. I won't allow you. I know you can't lose them. But people need you. You can't just sacrifice yourself." Said Alura. 

"Mom, Ple-" 

"No, Kara. I'm sorry. But I won't allow that. That's final." Said Alura as she left the room.

Later that night...

Kara took her belongings and tried to be as quiet as possible as she snuck out of her room. She left a note for Lena in the room in case she couldn't come back with her. Once she was ready to go, she sent a message to the Daxamites that she would surrender herself. When she had received a reply, she went over to the portal that would lead her to the Daxamite ship. 

Meanwhile... With Lena... 

Lena had successfully hacked into the Kryptonian control system. She wanted to try and disable the defense system from there. She also hacked into the cameras to see what was going on. Then... she saw Kara fumbling around. "What's Kara doing awake this late?" She thought. Just then, she received a message. It was a message from the Daxamites to the Kryptonian control center. 

"To Kara Zor-El. We accept your surrender. You are to come on our ship, alone. We have enabled our portal so that you can use yours to get here. Once you are with us, we will release your wife and children. If you try anything, They will be killed."

Lena read the message, horrified. Kara was walking into a trap. She turned to disable the shield immediately when she saw Kara activate the portal and walk in.

 "No no- No, Kara it's a trap, Don't please. We're safe." Said Lena as she tried to deactivate the portal. When she had managed to deactivate it, it was too late. Kara had already walked in... "No!" Shouted Lena as tears fell from her eyes. She immediately started typing the code to disable the defense system and took the twins. 

On Argo...

As soon as Lena arrived on Argo, she immediately ran to Alura's room. "Alura! Wake up! Please! Kara portalled herself and surrendered herself to the Daxxamites!" Said Lena. 

"Lena? How-" Said Alura as she woke up. 

"Just- Kara-" Said Lena. 

"Wait... Did you say... No- I told Kara not to!" Said Alura, now wide awake. 

"I need to get to her. Can you take the twins?" Asked Lena. 

"I can. But I'm not allowing you to do that. You're not going anywhere." Said Alura.

"No! I'm going. If I don't the Daxamites might leave and this may be our only chance to get to Kara." Said Lena.

"I know we may lose Kara. I know the risks but if we lose you too? You might be stuck with Kara. If you do and the Daxamites leave, what will happen to the twins? They'll grow up alone. They need someone to stay with them. We'll get Kara back. I promise. And we'll do it together." Said Alura as she rubbed soothing circles on the back of Lena's hand.

On the Daxamite ship...

"Hello Kara Zor-El, Our King will be here shortly." Said one of the Daxamite guards as Kara stepped through the portal. 

"Where's my wife?" Asked Kara fiercely, not caring about anything else.

"I'm not allowed to say." Said the guard.

"I said- Where is she?! Where is Lena and our kids?" Asked Kara. 

"She's not here." Said Mon-El as she walked into the room. "You may leave now." Said Mon-El to the guards. 

"What do you mean she's not here? I want to see her before you send her back." Said Kara. 

"We never got her. She managed to slip away with your kids while we were distracted watching the broadcast. Which, by the way, was not a very good move." Said Mon-El.

"Wha- So Lena's safe? That means- You- This was a trap... You used my love for my family to lure me in-" Said Kara angrily as she realized what Mon-El said and started to piece everything together."

"I wouldn't say used. The opportunity to get you back came without me having to do anything so..." Said Mon-El as he got cut off by Kara slapping his face.

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU'RE INSANE MON-EL. YOU'D DO ANYTHING. SEND ME BACK. I'M STAYING WITH LENA. SEND ME BACK! NOW!" Demanded Kara as she started to punch him repeatedly. 

Mon-El managed to let out a laugh and said:

"Why, exactly would I do that? Why would I send you back when you're everything I want" Said Mon-El as she knocked Kara out and signaled the guards to take her. 

When Kara woke up, she found herself handcuffed to a chair in what looked like a medbay. She tried to get off but nothing would work. Then Mon-El walked in... 

"Hello my dear Kara, sorry for strapping you to a chair. Anyways, I have two options for you. Although you don't really have a choice either way. First option, you marry me without any complaints and we'll treat you like nothing happened. Second option, we erase your latest memories from your brain. Then you'll marry me." Said Mon-El. 

"You think I'm gonna marry you? I'm not." Said Kara. 

"Hmm or..." Said Mon-El with an evil smirk as a big screen showed up in front of Kara. "See these?" Said Mon-El as he pointed to some buttons on the screen. "Those are the buttons for bombs we've implanted on Krypton. The biggest one... Well, it's in your room. So if you refuse... Then I'll detonate it and remove your latest memories." 

"Wha- No... No. Mon-El people can get hurt. Don't do this. Please. The people are innocent. " Begged Kara as she thought of what could happen if those bombs were detonated.

"You marry me and I disable the bombs or... Well, you know what will happen. Although, I'll have to brainwash you to erase your memories." Said Mon-El. 

"Ok, fine. I'll do it. I'll marry you. Please, just not the brainwashing." Said Kara. 

"Yes! Okay. No brain washing." Said Mon-El as he unlocked Kara's cuffs and walked her back to the room. 

When Mon-El and Kara arrived in the room, Mon-El said. "Okay, I'll leave you here for a while. I have king stuff to do." Said Mon-El as he left the room with a smile on his face. Once Mon-El left the room, Kara started sobbing. "I'm sorry Lena, I can't have Mon-El hurt anyone... I love you but I'll have no choice. I promise, I'll do everything I can to come back to you." Whispered Kara.


Hey everyone! Sorry if it took a long time to post this chapter, I ran out of ideas but I think I have a few already :) Just so all of you know, this is a supercorp fic. Not a Karamel one. Also, if there are any errors here, please tell me. I don't have a beta and I don't reread anything. So any errors are all mine. That's it :) Thank you for reading! All characters belong to the CW. 

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