Chapter 26

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As soon as Lena left Alura's room with the twins, she went to their room. As she laid the twins on the bed, she noticed a note on the table. It was from Kara. As soon as she saw it she read the note and tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Dear Lena, If you see this note, it means you're back on Argo safe. I'm sorry for leaving. I had to give myself up to the Daxamites. I couldn't just stand by and wait for you to come back. I can't risk anything happening to you or our kids. I love all the three of you and I would do anything for you. I promise that I'll do everything in my power to come back to you... But Mon-El would probably be watching me every minute so if I don't make it back... please tell our kids that I loved them so much and that I wished I could watch them grow up. I'll miss them so much. And Lena, I love you so much. I want you to know that. I'm sorry for all the times I lied to you and broke your heart. I hope you can forgive me for all those times. I love you so much and I regret not being able to grow old with you and watch the kids grow up. Please also take care of my mom, Alex, Clark, and everyone else. I'm also giving you the title of Crown Princess of Krypton. I think you know what that means... I'm giving you my title not only because you're my wife and that you own the title by law (Not that I wouldn't give it to you anways) But because I trust you and I believe you will take good care of Krypton for me. I'm sorry for all the responsibilities and things I'm going to be leaving you with. Like I said, I wish I can stay with you. I will try to come back but if I don't... Well, please do everything I wrote above and don't blame yourself or the twins or anyone for any of this. It was my decision to surrender myself. I love you Lena. I love you and the twins. Forever. Love, Kara xx"

By the time Lena had finished reading the letter, she was sobbing. Due to the noise, Jeremy woke up and started crying. Lena picked him up and started shushing him while saying: 

"Don't worry Jeremy, I'll get mommy back, I promise." Said Lena.


Kara was in Mon-El's room, familiarizing herself with the room, when Mon-El barged in.

"Kara! I missed you! How've you been?" Asked Mon-El.

"Fine..." Answered Kara coldly as she tried not to look at Mon-El. 

"Come on Kara, why are you talking to me like that? We're getting married in 2 days! Cheer up!" Said Mon-El. 

"2- 2 Days?" Asked Kara, shocked.

"Yes! Should I move it to tomorrow? I can't wait! I'm sure you can't either!" Said Mon-El.

"I- Um..."Kara stuttered. She knew she was getting married. But not this soon. She thought she had time to plan and escape but with the way Mon-El's thinking... apparently not... 

"You want it sooner? I can't wait either! I've had your dress ready since forever!" 

"What? How- nevermind... Anyways, we can have the wedding whenever you want but I need some time to settle down." Said Kara who was trying to stall for more time.

"Hmm... I mean, you do have the entire day to settle down. But... I'll give you a tour myself of the ship tomorrow."

"Okay, I heard you were rebuilding Daxam. Don't you want to get married there?" Asked Kara. 

"I do, but then... I can't wait anymore. It would take years to get there! I've missed you too much. I really wanna get married already..." Said Mon-El. 

"Uhm... Fine. I'll marry you whenever you think is fit." Said Kara reluctantly. 

"Yes! Tomorrow!" Said Mon-El happily.

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