Chapter 30

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25 years later.... 

Lena sat quietly in the middle of the Argo Gardens, thinking about what happened in the past few years...

It had been 25 years since Kara and Lena arrived on Argo. 24 years since the twins were born, 23 years since they renewed their vows and Alexander Astro Luthor Zor-El was born. 22 years since they'd been crowned Queens of Argo and Daxam. In the past 25 years, specifically in the first years, they had gone through some rough times with Reign, Mon-El, Kara and Lena being separated multiple times, they had some fights, but they always found each other. Now, they were currently living peaceful lives on Argo. They had raised three amazing children who they were proud of. 

Their eldest daughter, Elizabeth Luthor-Zor-El who was now 24, along with their youngest son, Alexander Luthor-Zor-El, 23, have both become accomplished diplomats at a young age. Both of them had inherited Kara and Lena's genius intellect which allowed them to finish school early. After completing several internships not only on Daxam and Argo but on several other planets, they started helping Kara and Lena with internal affairs and represented the planets when it came to starting a partnership with other worlds. This not only made the two more well-known but also helped them gain knowledge and experience for when they were going to be crowned queen and King. 

Jeremiah Luthor-Zor-El, 24, had also unsurprisingly inherited Kara and Lena's genius intellect like his siblings. However, he did not want to follow the path of his other siblings. Instead, he wanted to become a scientist just like Lena. When he was 20, he completed an internship at L-Corp. After working for several other companies and watching his mother work at L-Corp, he slowly gained more experience and at the age of 23, Lena passed down her role as CEO of L-Corp to him. He certainly did not fail his mothers. He made certain inventions that impoved the lives of others. A year later, L-Corp was one of the top tech companies not just on Krypton and Daxam, but across the galaxy. 

All three of them didn't just thrive in terms of their professional lives though. They also thrived in terms of their personal lives. After a trip to Lunaria, a close ally planet to Argo, to discuss the new treaty, Lizzie met the love of her life. Sebastian Xanthus. Sebastian was the only son of King Orion and Queen Lara. He was also the future King of Titan. When the two first met, they immediately became friends and after a few years of working together then dating, they realized they were soulmates. A few months later, they got married both on Argo and on Lunaria. Thankfully, Kara and Lena loved Sebastian and were overjoyed now that their eldest daughter had found her soulmate. 

Jeremy found his soulmate on Earth. The accomplished CEO was on a business trip for L-Corp when he met Andrew Clyde, CEO of Clyde Tech. The two had accidentally bumped into each other a few times and slowly got to know each other better. Soon, Jeremy asked Andrew out and they realized they had met their soulmates a few months later. The two got married a year after. They've been living happily for a few months now. 

Alex, unlike his siblings, was yet to meet his soulmate. However, a few months ago, Alex met Tala Lor-Ek of Titan. Tala was the youngest daughter of General William Lor-Ek and Ethel Lor-Ek. They had  bumped into each other while Alex and Lizzie were on a trip to Titan for a mission. After that, Alex and Tala started to meet each other and soon became the best of friends. They shared a closer bond than what normal friends would usually have, which is why Kara and Lena have a feeling Alex had already met his soulmate. The same feeling they got about Sebastian and Andrew. 

 Now that Lizzie, Jeremy, and Alex were all grown up with their soulmates, Kara and Lena had been thinking about all their accomplishments these past twenty-five years. They had done things their ancestors had been dreaming of but had never been able to accomplish. They managed to stop the wars between Kryptonians and Daxamites. They made new laws which benefitted both planets as a whole. They also made trade negotiations with other planets which benefitted both sides. They even  rebuilt Argo and Daxam so that it was better than it was before. Argo and Daxam were currently the top planets people came to to start businesses.  L-Corp was thriving not only on Argo, but also in National City, Daxam, and many more branchs were built on other planets. Aside from that, their family was thriving. Growing up, Kara and Lena always made sure they spent time with the children no matter how much work they had. They never missed any of their school programs, they helped the kids with their homework (Even though they never really needed any help.), and they were the perfect example of a good parent. They were role models for parents and greatly admired and adored. 

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