Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since Kara came back. Reign continued attacking National City but this time, Kara could stop her temporarily. Alex, the DEO, and the Legionaires were looking for ways to stop her. They haven't heard from Mon-El since he tried to murder Lena.  Kara still had her job since no one knew she was dead except for some of the DEO agents, Alex, J'onn, and Lena, and Imra. Kara was in CatCo when her phone rang. 

"Kara, come quick. We found someone who knows to stop Reign. Lena also knows who Reign is..." 

"I'm on my way." 

-------------At the DEO---------------

"Alex, you said you found someone who knows how to stop Reign. Who is it? Also, you said you know who Reign is... Who is she?" 

 "First, You might not believe it but... Sam is Reign..." 

"You're joking..."

"Do I look like I am?"

"It can't be... Sam is just too nice to be Reign..."

"I didn't believe it either but I ran the DNA tests..."

"This changes a lot..."

"Yea, it does... Now, do you want to know who can stop Reign?"


"A Kryptonian priestess in Fort Rozz. Priestess Jindah Kol Rozz." 

"But Fort Rozz is gone. I threw it into the sun to burn. Right?" 

"Apparently not. It floated away and is now circling a blue star." 

"I'll go right away. J'onn, I need you to come with me. I may need your help." 

"I can't. A blue star is toxic to men. If I go, I die." 

"I won't have my powers there." 

"I'll go. We can bring the Legion ship" Said Imra. 


---------------In Fort Rozz------------------------

"Kara Zor-El."

"I need your help" 

"I know what you seek." 

"Then tell me. What is it?" 

"Why should I help you? Your mother sentenced me here for eternity." 

"Yes and I'm sorry for that but please, we need your help." 

"Reign is unstoppable. She was created to cleanse the sin of the world and that is what she will do. You may be able to suppress her powers but I will never tell you how to stop her." 

"At least tell me how she was made and where she was from?" 

"She is Kryptonian. Like you. Except she was made from the rock of Yuda Kal." 

"That's all we need. Lets's go Imra."

-------------------In the Legion ship---------------------

"Why'd you leave? She hasn't told us how to stop her." 

"We know she was made from the rock of Yuda Kal. Maybe that can stop her." 


"It's powerful enough to create Reign. If you inject her with it it should be able to destroy her or at least stop her for a while." 

"Makes sense... Let's go back and tell the others." 

--------------------In the DEO-----------------------

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