Chapter 3

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----------In the DEO medbay----------

"Alright Lena... Are you ready? The gel will be a little cold" 

"I'm ready" 

"Alright so the baby's growing normally. Nothing wrong. And.... Oh... " 

"What!?!? What's wrong with my baby?" 

"Lena, you're having twins..." 

"I'm sorry, what??" Lena asked shocked

"You're having twins. Looks like... One boy and one girl." 

Twins... Lena thought,  Twins... I'm carrying 2 babies inside me... How will I take care of them? Will I be a good mother?  How do I do this without Kara? 

"Lena? Are you okay?" 

"I don't know what to do Alex, I can't raise 2 kids by myself. I grew up in a terrible family. What if I'm a terrible mother." 

"Hey, hey, Lena. Like I told you before, we'll always be here for you. And we'll do anything to keep you safe. "

"I miss Kara..." 

"I know Lena, we all do. The DEO is doing everything it can to get in touch with her pod, and I'm sure Kara can take care or herself, with or without powers. We all know that right?" 


"So Lena just take care of yourself and we'll find her. I promise. Okay? " 

"Okay, thank you Alex." 

-----------------The next day------------------

"Winn, you called?" 

"Yeah, uh remember that alien ship I spotted two weeks ago? The one we ignored?" 

"Yes? Leaving it alone was a bad idea wasn't it?" 

"It sort of was?" 

"What happened?" 

"So after that attack on the waterfront the city sent an underwater team to explore the damage if did. The submarine encountered the weird ship and they saw it turn on. When they went closer, the submarine was fired on. Luckily, the sub's emergency system went on and they made it to the surface. "

" So we have to explore it."


"I'll call Alex. Get the tracker ready." 

"Got it!" 

-------------30 mins later---------------

"Alright guys we're getting closer now. A few more steps... Alright stop! The ship should be right under us. How are we gonna get under though..." 

"Nice work Winn, I have a way to do that. Come with me.... Ok, this might feel a bit weird. " 

(phases through) 

"Whoa! That was weird.. That was awesome! Can we do that again? " 

"No, we can't and don't make too much noise. We don't know if there are people boarding the ship." 

----A few moments later-----

"Stop right there!" Winn, Alex, and J'onn froze at the sound of the voice. 

"Who are you?" Asked Alex. 

"It doesn't matter who I am. Who are you and why are you on my ship?" 

"My name is Alex Danvers, Agent of the DEO, this is J'onn and Winn. We don't mean any harm. We just want to know why you're here." 

"That's not possible. You're can't be Alex, Winn or J'onn. Step into the light." 

"I'm sorry, do we know you?" 

"I said step into the light" 


(steps under the light) 

"Alex?" The person asked as she lowered her weapon. 

"I'm sorry, do we know you? Could you show us your face? " Asked J'onn. 

(Once they see who it is) 


"It's me guys." 

"Oh my God, Kara!!!" 

"We missed you so much!" 

"So many things have changed when you were gone" 

"I missed you guys too. How are you?" 

"We're fine, I'm so happy to see you again." 

"Wait... How are you still breathing?" Asked Winn. 

Before giving Kara a chance to reply Alex said: "Let's finish this in the DEO."

"Sure... Do we just leave the ship here?" 

"Yes, we can." 

"Alright then, let's go!" 

------- Back in the DEO---------

"Alright Kara, your test results are out. You're perfectly fine." 

"Thank you Alex." 

"No Problem. Although I do want to ask something." 

"What is it?" 

"Like Winn asked, how are you still breathing?" 

"When you sent me away, I was floating around in space for a few days. Then I hit a disruption and traveled to the 31st century." 

"Wait so... You went to the future?!?!" Asked a very surprised and excited Winn. 

"Yes, I did. In a few years, L-Corp develops a cure and I took it." 

"That explains it." Said a very fascinated Winn.

"Uh guys, do you mind letting me sleep for a while? When you found me, I just woke up from hypersleep. I'll answer any more questions later." 

"Oh yeah, yeah, take your time and rest. We'll leave you alone for now" 

"Thanks guys." 


Hey Everyone! It's me again. I hope you liked this chapter. As I said before, this is my first time writing a fanfic so please don't judge me. I'm also not very good at grammar and punctuation marks so I hope you understand any spelling or grammar errors. Next chapter is coming soon! Also, the next chapters may be delayed. I will go back to posting one fic a day next week. For now, I'll try to finish the fourth chapter. ALike I said before, I don't own any characters in this fic. They all belong to the CW. Thank you for reading! See you in the next chapter! 

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