Chapter 18

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After Kara left her mother's room, the first thing she did was look for Ruby. After looking around the palace, she found that she was with Lena in their room. 

"Hey, how are you guys?" Asked Kara as she entered the room. 

"We're fine. How are you?" Asked Lena.

"Yeah. Um Ruby, you're gonna be sharing a room with my mom tonight." Said Kara 

"I'm not staying here?" Asked Ruby. 

"No, you're not. You're staying with my mom." Answered Kara. 

"What? Kara, why? She didn't do anything wrong. Ruby barely knows Alura, why is she gonna stay with her?" Asked Lena. 

"Aunt Kara, Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry for whatever I did."

"Oh no! Ruby, you don't have to apologize. Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. My mom just wants to share her room with you tonight." 

"Why? She doesn't know me. " 

"I have something to tell you... Both of you... " Said Kara. 

"Okay... What is it?" Asked Lena. 

"Lena, Sam might be our cousin. Which means Ruby might be related to us."

"WHAT?!?!" Exclaimed Lena and Ruby in shock. 

"How?" Asked Lena. 

"Aunt Astra was pregnant with twins when she was banished to Fort Rozz. Mom thinks that Sam may be one of Aunt Astra's kids. Mostly because Sam looked just like mom and Astra. She's also Kryptonian so it kind of makes sense. We plan to check Sam's escape pod when we find her."

"Kara, is your mom sure about this?" Asked Lena. 

"She's almost sure. She wanted to share her room with Ruby because she wants to help her grandniece and spend some time with her. Are you okay with that Ruby? I can tell her if not?" 

"O-okay..." Said Ruby, still shocked from what she just heard.

"Okay. When do you wanna go?" 

"Can we go now? Aunt Lena already asked Kelex to bring my things here so I won't need to go back to our room. I can just bring my things there myself." 

"Sure! You don't have to bring the things yourself. We can ask Kelex to do it." 

"Okay. Aunt Lena? Are you coming with us?" 

"If it's ok with Alura then sure!" Answered Lena. 

"Of course it's ok. Come on Lena!" Said Kara. 

------------In Alura's room------------

"Kara, we'll give you some time to talk to your mom about this. We'll wait here while you talk." Said Lena. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you need to talk with your mom. I can tell."

"Okay, Ruby?"

"I'll wait with Aunt Lena."

"Okay, I'll call you in when I'm done." Said Kara as they approached Alura's chambers.

"Hey mom! Can I come in?" Asked Kara.

"Kara! Of course! Come in!" Said Alura as she opened the door. 

A few moments later... 

"Hi mom! Uh Ruby said she's gonna stay with you tonight."

"That's great! I'll have Kelex bring her things here." 

"Oh, there's no need for that. Kelex already brought her things here."

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