Chapter 29

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"I win." Said Mon-El with a smile. 

"Mon-El!" Said Kara as she ran into the room. 

"Kara! You're safe! " Said Mon-El as he dropped Lena and ran to hug Kara. 

"Come back with me to Daxam." Said Mon-El as he hugged Kara. 

"I will. But-" Said Kara. 

"Good." Said Mon-El as he pulled away and put a device on Kara's dress. A suit instantly materialized around her. "But first... I'm getting rid of you." Said Mon-El with an evil smile as he grabbed a knife and started to walk towards Lena who was weak and still recovering. 

"No! Stop!" Shouted Kal as he ran to attack Mon-El. 

"You're not gonna stop me." Said Mon-El as he pulled out some Synthetic Kryptonite, Kal then fell to the floor, groaning in pain.

"K-Kara." Said Lena. 

"No!" Shouted Alura still on the floor, unable to do anything with the Synthetic Kryptonite affecting her.

"No! Mon-El! Don't do this- Please. We'll do anything. Just please let Lena go." Said Kal who was still on the floor. 

"Sorry, nothing will do." Said Mon-El. "Any last words?" Asked Mon-El.

"I- I lo- I love y-you." Said Lena. 

Suddenly, time seemed to slow stop completely as all of Kara's memories were coming back to her. Lena, the moment they first met, how much she loved her, the twins, Alura, Argo, her family. All her memories and past feelings wee all coming back. Kara wasn't sure if it was Lena's words, or the pressure of Mon-El trying to kill her. But Kara started to remember everything. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Alura and Kal screaming for Mon-El to stop. It was then when she ran to Mon-El.

"Kara- What are you doing?" Asked Mon-El, stunned. 

"You won't hurt anyone else." Said Kara as she pulled of the device that was protecting him from the lead. Suddenly, Mon-El dropped Lena as he started choking and gasping for air while sliding to the ground. 

 "K-Kara... What? Why? " Asked Mon-El. 

"This is too much Mon-El. I can't let you do this... I'm sorry. I have no choice." Said Kara

"I- I d-did it for you..." Said Mon-El.

"I know... But you crossed a line Mon-El. I told you... I'm staying with Lena. I love her and nothing will change that. You can erase my mind all you want. But I'll always find my way back to her." Said Kara as Mon-El started to disintegrate. 

Once Mon-El disappeared, Kara immediately ran to Lena. 

"Hey, Lena. Are you okay?" Asked Kara, in a panic.

"K-Kara?" Asked Lena. 

"Hey, I'm here." Said Kara

"You're back" Whispered Lena weakly.

"I'm back. It's me. Are you okay? " Asked Kara with tears in her eyes.

"S-Still hurts. " Said Lena softly as she closed her eyes. 


"H-Hurts." Whispered Lena

"What? Did he hurt you?" Asked Kara when she scanned Lena for any injuries. 

"K-Kryptonite..." Said Lena. 

"Krypto- The Kryptonite." Said Kara as she looked around. That was when she noticed Kal and Alura laying on the floor. Both of them had passed out from the pain. In the middle of the room, was the Kryptonite sitting in a box. 

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