Chapter 20

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A few days later...

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Asked Alex as she saw Sam wake up.

"I'm fine. Where am I? Where's Ruby?"

"That's good...You're in the Argo Medbay. Ruby's fine too. She's with Alura."

"Oh, okay... When can I see her?" Asked Sam

"I think they aren't doing anything important so if you're feeling well then we can go see them now." Said Alex.

"Oh, then we can go now since I'm feeling better."


--------------In Alura's room------------

"Alura? Ruby? Can we come in?" Asked Alex.

"Alex? Aunt Alura? Can she come in? I wanna see her!" Said Ruby. 

"Of course! Come in Alex." Said Alura. 

A few moments later... 

"Hello Alex, what brings you here? How did everything go with Reign?" Asked Alura politely. 

"Hi Alura, Ruby, Someone wants to see you."

"Really? Who?" Asked Ruby.

"Ruby?" Asked Sam as she walked in.


"It's me..." Said Sam.


"Hey, how are you? Are you okay?"

"I missed you!" Said Ruby as she ran to hug Sam. 

"I missed you too Ruby... I promise I'll never leave you again..." Said Sam. 

"I love you mom." Said Ruby. 

"You too..." Said Sam as she and Ruby pulled away.

"Thank you so much for taking care of Ruby. I don't know how I'll repay you." Said Sam to Alura. 

"It's my pleasure." Said Alura as she smiled.

"Um... I don't wanna interrupt but I'm going to Kara and Lena's room to check on Lena. I'm not sure if Kelex told you but Kara's in the Medbay. "

"I heard... Kelex told me earlier. Ruby and I have already visited her. I hope she wakes up... I don't want to lose her again." Said Alura sadly. 

"None of us do. Especially Lena. She's not doing very well. Which is why I have to check on her..." 

------------------In Kara's mind palace------------------

"I've tried everything! Why won't anything work?!?!?!" Asked Kara as she thought...

"It's a door... And it's locked... So maybe I need to find the key... I think that's it! I saw one somewhere... Where was it?" Thought Kara as she started looking for the key.

-------------In Kara and Lena's room-----------

"Lena? Can I come in?" Asked Alex.


"Kelex? Is Lena there?" 

"Yes, Director Danvers."

"How is she? Why isn't she answering me?"

"Her Highness has locked herself in the room. She would not talk to anyone."

Not wanting to disturb Lena, she decided that she would send her a message instead. 

"Can you send a message to the communicator in the room?"

"What would you like me to tell her?"

"Tell her that I'm here for her if she needs me and that she should take care of herself." 

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