Chapter 19

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Lena and the DEO agents had just found Sam, unconscious in Selena's house and they were heading back but when they arrived...

"Take Sam to the Medbay. Have her checked up." Said Lena when she entered.

"Yes, Ms. Luthor." Said the DEO agents.

What happened?" Asked Lena to a scientist passing by.

"Reign is dead. Director Danvers killed her." Explained the scientist.

"Then why does everyone look sad?" Asked Lena.

"Reign may be dead but it has cost us many lives." Said the scientist, sadly.

"What?!?! And how's Kara?" Asked Lena.

"She has been hurt the most. She is currently in the Emergency Room. The Argo scientists can't wake her up. She has many broken bones and internal bleeding. She was also hit with heat vision."

"WHAT?!?!?" Asked Lena as she ran to the Operating Room as fast as she could.

Moments later...

Lena was about to barge into the room when she saw Alex leave the Medbay.

"ALEX! What happened to Kara and what happened to you!? " Asked Lena, as she panicked.

"Lena, you're back. Kara's um well... She isn't doing well Lena... We don't know what to do. I mean, we're trying all we can but... She's hurt really bad..."

"What happened?!?! I need to get to Kara now." Said Lena.

"Lena, wait!" Said Alex.

"What? I need to get to Kara now! I need to see her." Said Lena.

"You can't the Argo doctors are operating on her and they're doing all they can to help her. You have to wait until they're done."

"Wait until they're done?!?! Alex, Kara is my wife! If something happens and she dies... I- " Lena stopped.

"She won't die, Lena. I trust the Argo doctors. Look, I was badly hurt after the fight and now I'm almost better. You have to trust them Lena."

"I'm sorry... I'm just really worried. Kara can't die..." Said Lena as she sobbed.

"It's fine. Kara won't die. The doctors are doing everything in their power to save her. Besides, Kara won't leave you that easily. Right?"

"But- What if-"

"Don't worry. Kara will be fine. I know it."

"I hope so..." Said Lena.

A few moments later...

Kara was brought into the medbay with a few doctors.

"Doctor, how is she?" Asked Lena.

"We stopped the internal bleeding and she should be fine in a few days but she's not responding to us. She's stuck in a coma. We've tried to wake her out of it but she won't wake up." Said one of the doctors, sadly.

"How long do you think will she be in a coma?" Asked Lena, worried.

"Hours, days, months, even years. We don't know."

"That means..." Lena started to cry.

"Okay, thank you for helping Kara. You may leave now." Said Alex.

"Hey, Lena... I know things seem bad now but Kara will wake up. I know it. She'll be here for the twins."

"We don't know about that... Y-you heard the doctor. She can stay like this for months, years even. What if- She'll miss the birth of the twins. What if she never wakes up. What if she dies..." Said Lena as she cried.

"We'll try everything we can to wake her up. Don't worry."

"And if it doesn't work?" Asked Lena.

"You can't think like that Lena... You have to believe Kara will wake up."

"How do you know she'll even wake up?"


"I appreciate you trying to help me through this Alex... But I just want to be alone with Kara right now."

"Okay... Well, if you need me... then I'll be with Sam." Said Alex as she left the room.

A few moments later...

"Kara... Why can't you keep your promises? Why do you keep leaving me? Why? You promised you'd retreat if anything went wrong. You- You even promised that you'd stay safe. Why do you keep breaking your promises?" Asked Lena softly as she sobbed.

"You have one last promise. Please... Please don't break it. Please do anything you can to come back to us. Please don't miss the birth of the twins... Please Kara..."

--------------------Inside Kara's mind palace--------------------

"Where am I?" Wondered Kara.

"Isn't this... My loft? Wait... How about Reign? Why am I here? I need to get out of here." Said Kara as she tried to open the door.

"It's.... Locked?!?!?!? No no no it can't be locked. Am I stuck here? Is this my mind palace? I need to get out of here." Said Kara as she tried to break the door open using her heat vision and super strength.

"Why won't it work!?!?" Asked Kara as she panicked.

Suddenly, Kara heard a familiar voice talking...

"Kara... Why can't you keep your promises? Why do you keep leaving me? Why? You promised you'd retreat if anything went wrong. You- You even promised that you'd stay safe. Why do you keep breaking your promises?" She heard Lena start to cry.

"No- Lena- I- I'm going to get out of here Lena..."

"You have one last promise. Please... Please don't break it. Please do anything you can to come back to us. Please don't miss the birth of the twins... Please Kara... Wake up.. Please be okay..."

"Lena- I- I'll be okay. You probably can't hear me now but I promise you... I'll get out. I'll wake up. I'll come back to you. " Said Kara as she started looking for a way to open the door.


Hey Everyone! Sorry for the short chapter. This will count as Chapter 19 since I don't know how to continue this. I tried to make this chapter longer but this is the best I can do. I know what will happen next but I don't know how to write it but I'll try my best. The next chapter may be delayed though since I'm not sure how long it will take. I'll let you guys decide on what you want it to be on. Kara escaping? Or Sam finding out where she's from? Or both? If you pick the second option, then I may finish it earlier. If you pick the first one, then I might take longer, but it will come with a few surprises. If you pick the last one though, it will take the longest since it'll be harder for me to write. If you also have any suggestions, please write it in the comments. I'm running out of ideas and I may need help continuing. Thank you for reading! I haven't re-read the entire chapter so there may be lots of errors. Please tell me if you find any. I don't own any of the characters in the fic. All characters belong to the CW.

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