Chapter 28

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Lena and Alura sat in the control room with a few other Kryptonian generals and DEO agents. Kara had just arrived on Daxam with Mon-El a few hours ago and they were waiting for the agents to send a signal that they had arrived on Daxam. Once they had received the message, they proceeded with their plan. The agents snuck in with Kal and Alex who were wearing a cloaking device while the Kryptonian Army stood guard outside in case they were needed. Once Kal and Alex had made their way to Kara's room, they waited outside since they realized Kara wasn't alone in the room and they didn't want to blow their cover. After waiting for a few minutes the man Kara was talking to, left the room. That was when Kal and Alex snuck in. 

"Kara!" Said Alex as she ran to hug her sister after she disabled the cloaking device. 

"Alex?" Asked Kara, surprised as she hugged her sister back. 

"I missed you so much." Said Alex as she pulled away. 

"Me too. But wait... Why are you here? " Asked Kara. 

"Why am I here- Wha- Why am I here? You're joking right?" Asked Alex, confused. 

"Huh?" Said Kara as she tilted her head. 

"Don't you want us to get you back to Argo?" Asked Alex, confused. 

"Why?" Asked Kara. 

"Huh- What has Mon-El done to you?" 


"Nevermind, we're here to take you back." Said Alex. 

"To Earth? Alex, I'm staying here. On Daxam with Mon-El."

"What? Don't you want-" Asked Alex. 

"I said, I'm staying with him. I'm not leaving." Said Kara. 

"Kara, what are you talking about? You have a family back on Argo." Said Alex. 

"Argo? Alex, what are you talking about- Krypton exploded remember? Argo doesn't exist anymore. How do you even know about Argo? I don't remember telling you much about Krypton." Asked Kara with an arched brow and a crinkle on her forehead. 

"You- You don't remember Argo? How about Lena? The twins?" Asked Alex who was now very confused. 

"Argo is gone and who are they? Your family? You have a wife now?! How much have I missed? " Asked Kara. 

"My fa- You really don't remember?" Asked Alex. 

"What are you talking about?" Asked Kara. 

"Kar-" Said Alex who started to explain before she was interrupted by Kal. 

"Alex, Mon-El's coming." Said Kal. 

"Already?!" Asked Alex as she started to panic. 

"Yes! Hide! Quick! He's here with guards!" Said Kal

"Argh! Let's go Kara." Said Alex. 

"No! I'm not leaving him." Said Kara. 

"Kara! Come-" Said Alex as Mon-El barged into the room.

"Stay away from my wife!" Shouted Mon-El as he barged into the room. 

"Too late." Said Alex as she immediately grabbed Kara and ran pulled the both of them into the portal. 

"Alex! Send me back. Wait... Where-" Said Kara shocked as she looked around the place. 

"I'll explain later. All agents and Kryptonians portal back immediately." Said Alex into her comms. 

"Alex did you say Kry-" Said Kara as Kryptonians and the agents started portaling into the room. 

"You got her!" Said Kal as the agents started to leave the room. 

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