Chapter 11

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Kara was telling stories of her life on Earth to her mother. She found a few of her old things in her room and also learned about the new ways of Argo. They were walking in the palace garden when Alura called...

"Kara, are you ready? The high council is ready." Called Alura.

"I'm ready" Replied Kara. 

"Hey, good luck in there." Said Imra

"Thanks Imra, I might need it." Said Kara before she walked in.

---------------In the room-----------------

"Hello Kara Zor-El, it is nice to see you back."

"It's good to be back."

"Alura called us here because you had an urgent matter to talk about?"

"I do."

"Please, do tell."

"As you all know, before Krypton exploded, my mother sent me to Earth to take care of Kal-El. I was able to leave I was not the only one.  With me came three other Kryptonian pods. In each of them were Worldkillers." Kara paused...

"Worldkillers?" Repeated one of the members.

"Forgive our skepticism but, you've been away for a long time. Here on Argo, Worldkillers are stuff that come from children's stories."

"I too, was hesitant that such a thing was real, but I faced it. Worldkillers are real. I killed two of them but one remains... She calls herself Reign. I traveled here from across the stars because... I couldn't defeat her myself. Earth is in grave danger. "

"How can Argo be of help?"

"We are a recovering city. Still limping and wounded from the trauma of destruction. We can't communicate outside our protective dome, let alone send troops or aid beyond it's border."

"It isn't troops we need."

"Then what is it you seek?"

"A gift.... of Harun-El" 

As soon as they heard it, Kara noticed the members of the high council gasp and saw them looking at each other. 

"You would have us give away our most precious resource to a foreign world? That's absurd!"

"The people of Earth share our ideals. They are more like us than you realize."

"Or perhaps, you've become more like them than you realize."

Alura spoke up. "The danger Earth is currently facing, is of Kryptonian making." 

"And I need not remind you, Alura, that Krypton is dead. Argo City is all that remains."

"And yet the sins of Krypton still like on in this 'Worldkiller'."

"Can you abide this as our legacy?"

"This council does not concern itself with legacy, only survival."

"And what is the point of survival if there is no soul to save?"

"Your point is well-made. That Krypton is dead. But it's legacy lives on. For good and ill. My mother, sentenced many people to Fort Rozz. Many of which, we're still trying to apprehend. Some people made it their job to stop them. Some even gave their lives for them. Even thought it threatens their safety, again and again. And now, they deserve it in kind because their very existence, is threatened by this Worldkiller of Kryptonian making. My mother tells me that Argo City has changed, that it has learned from it's mistakes in the past. So, I beg you. Give us the gift of Harun-El. We don't need very much. And this bit of charity, it will save Earth." Pleaded Kara.

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