Chapter 22

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"Hey, Alex! How's Lena?" Asked Sam when she saw Alex exit the room. 

"She's fine!" Said Alex happily

"How are the little ones? Are they all healthy?" Asked Alura as she walked up to the room. 

"Yep! They look adorable! I'll just say that they look like a mini Kara and Lena. I'm not gonna spoil anything else though. I'm gonna wait for Kara and Lena to tell you guys." 

"Awww please?" Asked Ruby.

"Sorry, that's all I'm saying." Said Alex.

"I guess we can wait..." Said Sam. 

"Well then Sam, can we talk?" Asked Alura

"Um yeah- Sure?" Said Sam as she followed Alura


"Look, before you say anything, I know you probably hate me by now and I-" 

"Hate you? No Sam, I wanted to tell you that it's okay with me. It wasn't your fault." 

"You don't hate me?" 

"I don't. It wasn't your fault and you've gone through far too much. If anyone is to blame, it's Zor-El. He should know better than to sleep with my sister."

"I'm still sorry..." Said Sam. 

"You don't have to be. You did nothing wrong." Said Alura. 

"Mom? Since you're busy, can Aunt Alex and I go out?" Asked Ruby as she and Alex walked up to Sam and Alura. 

"Sure, if Alex is okay with it?" Said Sam.

 "I am! Lett's go Ruby!" Said Alex as she and Ruby left. 

After Alex and Ruby had left and they were all alone, Sam asked:

"How and when are we gonna tell Kara and the others?" Asked Sam. 

"I'll tell Kara." Said Alura. 

"I'll tell Ruby and Alex." Said Sam. 

"Okay. May I get Kara's crystal?" 

"Yeah sure, please give it to her for me." Said Sam. 

"I will." Said Alura. 

-------------Kara and Lena's room (A few days later) --------------

Lena woke up early when she heard the twins start to cry, meaning they were hungry. She was about to get up and feed the twins when they stopped crying. 


"Hey, Lena! You're awake!" Said Kara. 

"I was going to feed them to stop them from crying but they've stopped already." 

"I was hoping that they wouldn't wake you up." Said Kara. 

"What? Why?" Asked Lena as she took Lizzie and fed her. 

"You need to rest. You just delivered these two miracles yesterday." 

"Kara, I'm fine. If anyone needs to rest, it's you. You're the one who was just very injured from a fight with Reign and just rushed over from the Medbay. You could've gotten hurt Kara." 

"You wanted me there though" Said Kara as she pouted. 

"Yes but I wanted you to not get hurt too." Said Lena as she handed Lizzie to Kara and took Jeremy. 

"But there was no way I couldn't stay with you." 

"Fine. But next time, you have to be more careful." Said Lena. 

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