Chapter 12

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-----------------------2 days later--------------------------

"Kara! I think I figured it out!" 

"Figured what out?" 

"I know how to make more Harun-El!" 

"You did?!?" 

"I did! See, look!" 

"Lena, this is awesome! I just need to take this to Argo." 


"Do you want to come with me?" 


"Do you want to come with me?" 

"Oh uh I can't" 

"Why not?" 

"Kara, I don't think your mother would like to see me." 

"Lena, I already told you. She would love to see you!" 

"I'm sorry Kara. I just can't go. Give me some time to think about it then I'll go." 


"You can go by yourself first then if I think I'm comfortable with oging, I'll follow." 


"Now, you have to get to CatCo or else you'll be late." 

"Alright. I guess. I'll tell Alex I'm leaving later." 


"Call me if you eed my help or if any thing's wrong with the babies." 

"I will!" 

--------------------In L-Corp-------------------

"Lena was signing a new contract when she felt a sharp kick coming from her stomach.

"Owww" Lena groaned. Then another kick came... 

Until... Lena was sobbing. It was too much, too painful for her to take. She tried to reach her phone and call Kara. 



"Lena? Are you okay?" 

"I-it h-hurts! " Lena sobbed. 

"What hurts!?!? Hold on, I'll be there soon." Said Kara as she immediately ran out of her office and flew off the balcony. 

A few moments later....

"Lena, hey, I'm here. What's wrong" 

"I-IT H-HURTS! K-KARA PLEASE S-STOP IT!" cried Lena as she tried to lift her shirt. 

There were visible bruises on Lena's stomach. Kara could see a small foot that looked like it was going to bulge out of Lena. 

"It's the babies. They're kicking. I need to take you to the DEO." Said Kara as she picked Lena up and flew off. 

---------------------At the DEO-----------------------

"Kara, what's wrong?" Asked Alex when she saw Kara fly in with Lena in her arms. 

"It's the babies, they're kicking too hard." 

"Take her to the medbay NOW!" 

---------------------In the medbay------------------

"I have to use Kryptonite." 

"No, there has to be another option. They might die." 

"Kara, it's Lena or the twins." 

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