Chapter 17

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As soon as Kara left her room, she immediately ran to her mother's room. Once she reached there... 

"Mom? Are you busy? May I come in?" Asked Kara. 

"Not at all! Come in Kara." Came a voice from behind the door. 

Once Kara entered the room, she immediately turned on the sound-proof setting in the room. 

"Hello Kara, how's Argo? Is there a problem? Why did you turn the sound-proof setting on?" Asked Alura. 

"Hi mom! Argo's fine. I wanted to talk about something private. Do you have some time?" 

"I'm free the entire day. Come sit here and tell me, what's wrong?" 

Kara grabbed a seat and immediately started explaining. "First, you have to stay away from 'Sam'" said Kara. 

"Okay... But why?" Asked Alura, confused. "Why wouldn't Kara want me to be near Sam?" she thought... "I saw her the other day and she seems nice. Is something wrong with her? I need to talk to her." 

"Before I tell you why, can we call Alex? She needs to hear this too." 

"Okay." Said Alura. 

A few minutes later... 

"Hey Kara! How are you? Is anything wrong? If you wanted to check in, everything's the same. We still can't locate Reign. It's like she left Earth." Said Alex. 

"That's because she has left Earth." Said Kara. 

"WHAT?!?!?!" Exclaimed surprise. 

"What do you mean Kara? And how do you know that? " Asked Alura. 

"Reign's not on Earth. She's on Argo." 

"What?!?! Where?!?!" Asked Alura, as she suddenly stood up and added: "I'll prepare the Argo military. Where is she?" 

"Wait! Mom! Don't do anything!" 

"What?" Asked Alex and Alura together. 

"Please just let me explain without interruptions." 

"Okay. What is it?" 

"Mom, I wanted you to stay away from Sam because Sam isn't Sam. She's Reign. Reign kidnapped Sam and locked her somewhere but we think she's in Selena's house. Ruby caught her earlier talking to Selena about some plans. They want to get our plans and sabotage them. But Lena and I already have a plan. " Said Kara. 

"What is it?" Asked Alex. 

"We use their mission against them. First, we transfer the DEO agents and important people here. We can hide them in the Argo control room, turn the sound proof setting on, then have them operate from there. Next, we tell Reign that it's safe on Earth and that Reign is gone. We'll bemoving back there too. Then if she does believe us, then we take her to Earth and when she doesn't expect it, we catch her off guard and hit her with the gold Kryptonite. Then when we're done with Reign, we can get Sam in Selena's house. "

"Whoa um okay. That can work. You make it sound really easy. But anyways, when do we start?" Asked Alex. 

"Are you guys ready? Everything prepared? The special gun? Weapons? Portal?" Asked Kara. 

"All done." 

"We're done too. We have the knife and the gun. Mom? Can I borrow the Argo military?" 

"You may. I think this plan will work but what will you need them for?" Asked Alura. 

"In case the plan fails and we have to fight Reign." 

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