Chapter 6

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—----------Back at the DEO-----------—

"Mon-El, can we talk?" Asked Kara. 

"Sure, what's up?" Asked Mon-El after they found a room to talk privately. 

"Mon-El, this is hard for me to say but, I think I want to stay here in this time."

"You're leaving me for her aren't you..."

"I'm sorry..."

"What do you want to do about the Legion?" 

"You can go back to the future or disband them?" 

"Someone needs to keep the future safe Kara."

"You can do it. I'm staying with Lena."

"I can't do it myself. I need someone to help me."

"You have Imra." 

"I love you more than I love her." 

"I'm sorry Mon-El..."

"Kara, I can't let you do this... I need you. The Legion needs you." 

"What you and the Legion need, is someone who will lead the Legion wholeheartedly. I can't be that person if I'm forced to leave Lena."

"And me?" 

"You need someone who loves you. Someone who will never leave you. I'm not that person. I love Lena just as Imra loves you." 

"But I don't love Imra. I love you." 

"Spend some time with her. Then you'll grow to love her." 

"Kara, please don't do this." 

"I'm sorry Mon-El. Lena is my soulmate. I shouldn't leave her. I won't leave her. That's final. " And with that, Kara left the room. 

------------In L-Corp--------------

"Miss Luthor, Miss Danvers is here to see you. Should I let her in?" 

"Yes please, and make a note that Kara Danvers is to allowed to see me anytime." 

"Noted. I'll let her in." 

----A few minutes later-----

"Hey Lena" 

"Kara, what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to say... I ended things with Mon-El." 

"Does that mean you're staying?" 

"It does." 

"Kara, you didn't have to do that." 

"Lena, I wanted to. You heard my mother. We're soulmates. I love you more than anyone else. I traveled across the stars for you. I traveled across galaxies for you. I don't care how far I have to travel to get to you. I will always come back to you." 

"You really mean it? Not just because your mother said so?" Asked Lena as her eyes started to water. 

"I really do."

They were about to kiss until Kara's phone rang....

"Kara, there's a rogue Kryptonian on the loose killing people." 

"It's Reign. I'm on my way." 

"Who's Reign?" Asked Alex.

"I'll explain later. I need to go now." Said Kara as she hung up.

"What happened?" 

"There's a rogue Kryptonian flying around killing people. I need to stop her" 

"Alright, stay safe." 

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