Chapter 14

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-----------------At the DEO (Time skip to after Earth is saved.)---------------

"It's stopped... J'onn did it..." Said Kara. 

"He was a hero..." Said Alex.

"He was... We'll never forget him..."

----------------In the Fortress of Sanctuary----------------

"What happened?" Asked one of the witches when they saw Reign fly out. 

"The Earth's core tried to hold me captive, but I broke through."

"As I knew you would" 

"I must continue." 

"And you will. Then we will watch the Earth burn so that Krypton may rise again." 

-------------------Back at the DEO-------------------

"Uh guys... I know this is a bad time to interrupt but... I think I found a way to kill the worldkiller but keep Sam alive." 

"It's fine. How?" 

"You'll need gold kryptonite." 

"I've never heard of it before." 

"That's because your cousin knew how dangerous it was. He mined all the gold Kryptonite and made sure no one ever heard of it. He knew how dangerous it could be if his enemies found it. It's in the Fortress of Solitude." 

"I can get it." 

"Okay but... we have another problem..." 

"What's wrong?" 

"Gold Kryptonite is like a normal rock. The only thing different is that it can remove a Kryptonian's powers." 

"Can we mix it with green kryptonite?" 

"That won't work. Reign's immune to it." 

"Maybe I  can use the gun J'onn gave me to shapeshift into something stronger..." 

"That may work. I think I can try that."

"Good. I'll go get it in the armory. Kara?"

"Okay, I'll go get the Kryptonite."

"I'm coming with you."


--------------------In the Fortress of Solitude---------------------

"Kara, are you ok?" Asked Alura. 

"I'm fine mom. Why?" Replied Kara.

"I'm sorry about your friend. He was a good man."

"Yea, he was."

"Were you close?"

"He was like my Earth dad. I would talk to him when things were bad. He's saved my life multiple times too."

"Oh... I'm really sorry about him... I'm also very grateful to him for taking very good care for you."

"I think you should meet the other people who've taken care of me here. You've seen Alex but you haven't been formally introduced to her. I'll introduce you guys to each other once Reign is gone."

"I would like that."

"Speaking of Reign, Kelex?"

"Hello, Princess Kara, Queen Alura. How may I be of service?"

"Kelex, did Kal store any gold kryptonite here?"

"He has." 

"Could you please get it for me. Along with the anti-kryptonite suit?"

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