Chapter 13

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----------------------The next day---------------------

"Lena? You ready?"

"Sort of? Do you think Alura'll like me?"

"She will! What's there to not like about you?"

"I'm a Luthor?"

"And? What's wrong with that? It's just a name."

"I know but my family doesn't exactly have the best reputation."

"Lena, look. You aren't Lillian or Lex. Don't worry! She'll love you."

"You really think so?"

"I do! Now let's go! I can't wait for you to meet her!"

"Alright..." Said Lena as she followed Kara out.

------------In the palace guest room-----------

"Hi mom!" Said Kara as she and Lena walked into the room.

"Kara! Nice to see you again! And..."

"Mom, this is Lena. My wife. Lena, this is my mom."

 "Hello! It's nice to meet you! Kara's told me lots about you!" 

"She's told me about you too! Are you okay now?" Asked Alura.

"I am, thank you for your help."

"My pleasure"


"Yes Kara?"

"Can I show Lena around?"

"Of course! I would come with you but there are important matters I have to take care of."

"It's fine. I think I can show her around myself." 

"Alright, have fun!"

-------------------Outside the palace-------------------

"See! You had nothing to worry about! My mom loves you!"

"You really think she liked me?" 

"Lena, she really liked you!" 

"How do you know?" 

"I just know it! Come on Lena, she's never been this friendly to someone she just met." 


"Yes!!! Now come on! I can't wait to show you Argo." 


A few hours later... 

Kara and Lena were walking in the park when a metal pole came crashing down... 

"LENA WATCH OUT!" Screamed Kara as she pushed Lena away to stop her from getting hit.

 Once she was sure Lena was far away, she activated her Legion ring and flew to the pole. She saw someone suspicious wearing a hood running away. She thought about chasing him or her but she knew she had to catch the pole first. She caught it and gently put it back down. By the time she flew back up, the mystery person was gone. 

A few moments later.... 

 "Kara! Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine mom. Where's Lena?" 

"She's safe in the palace. What happened?" 

"I don't know. We were walking in the park when the pole just fell." 

"I'll send someone to investigate this. Are you sure you're okay?" 

"I'm fine. I need to go to the palace and check on Lena." Said Kara as she ran off. 

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