Chapter 15

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After Alura, Alex, and Eliza's conversation...

"Alex! Hey! Sooo... How was the talk with my mom?" Asked Kara when she saw Alex leave the room.

"It was great! You're mom's really nice. She um- I don't know how to say this but uhh I'll just say it... she wanted us to join the House of El." Said Alex nervously. She wasn't sure how Kara would react...

"REALLY?!?!?!?" Asked Kara.

"Yes, but look... if you don't want us to be part of your family then we can ask your mother to remove us from your family? I don't mind..."

"Wait what? Why wouldn't I want you to be part of my family?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Alex, you, Eliza, Jeremiah, and everyone else will always be part of my family. I don't care if you're part of the House of El of not. You've been part of my family since before." 

"I love you Kara..."

"I love you too Alex." Said Kara as she hugged Alex.

"Hey Kara, I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but the portal's ready."

"Okay, thanks Winn!"

"What portal?" Asked Alex, confused.

"I'm going back to Argo for a while. I'm going to bring Sam and Ruby there."

"Oh... You'll be back soon right?" 

"Of course! I just need to take Sam and Ruby and take care of Lena for a few days."


"If you want, you can come..."

"I can't... Now that J'onn's gone.... I have to fix things in the DEO."

"Oh... Okay. When things are sorted out, maybe I can take you to Argo."

"I'd love that..." 

"Okay, I'll go get Sam and Ruby. Then I'll take them to Argo with my mom. She has some matters to take care of."

"Okay, do you mind bringing Eliza?" 

"Of course not! Why?"

"It's to keep her safe. Reign may target anyone close to us."

"Okay, I'll do that."

"Okay, thanks. Now go get Sam and Ruby."

"Okay, Bye Alex!" Said Kara as she flew off.

------------In Sam's apartment---------------


"Kara! Hey!"

"Wha- How do you know I'm Kara?"

"It's really obvious... Even Ruby knows."

"Oh... okay... Uh I have to take you to Argo."

"What's Argo?" Asked Sam, confused

"The capital of Krypton." 

"Didn't Krypton explode?"

"Most of it did but Argo didn't... I need to take you now though. Reign might be after you and Ruby and I need to keep both of you safe. She might appear any time."

"Okay, I'll just pack our things and we can go."

"You don't need to. We have things prepared for you in Argo. Lena's there too. You can keep each other company. I think Ruby would love it there too."

"Okay... Uh I'll just call Ruby then..."

A few minutes later....

"Okay, you both ready?"

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