Chapter 8

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"Lena, I'll always come back to you... I will never leave you..." Those words kept echoing inside Lena's mind. "I'm sorry Kara. It's my fault you're dead. This is my fault. You said you'd never leave me. You broke your promise."  Lena's thoughts continued until she heard someone knock at the door. 

"Lena.... can I come in?" 


"Lena please I know you're there. I have something Kara would want you to have." 

When Lena heard Alex mention Kara's name, she immediately opened the door. 

"Lena... Hi, um can I come in" 

"Come in." 

"Lena, after Kara died, I went to her loft. I found a Kryptonian cache crystal. It was for you." 


"Yes" Said Alex as she handed it over. 

"Thank you." 

"I'll leave now."

"Thank you. " Said Lena as the cache started to play. 

"Lena, if you're watching this, it means I'm dead or I never came back from the future. I want you to know that I love you so much and nothing will ever change that. I want you to be the woman I fell in love with. If I really can't come back. Don't blame yourself . You can move on, I won't blame you. If you need someone to stay with you, just call Alex. I trust her and she can keep you company. Stay safe Lena. I love you so much. 

"I love you too Kara." Whispered Lena as the hologram started to fade.

------------------In the Fortress of Sanctuary-------------------

"Supergirl is now dead. Nothing stands in my way. I will complete my mission and cleanse the sin off this world."

"You will. But you will need the help of your sisters."

"My sisters are dead."

"Yes. They are. You will need another Kryptonian to replace them."

"There are no Kryptonians left."

"There are 4."

"Who are they?"

"Aside from Superman, the children of Supergirl and Lena Luthor and Lena Luthor herself."

"Who will help me?"

"The children of Lena Luthor and Supergirl."

"How will I convince them?"

"You won't need to. They have not been born yet. Once they are, we will educate them."

"I will have to wait."

"Yes, you will. But you may get Lena Luthor and convince her that you are only trying to help."

"And if she doesn't want to?"

"Kill her after her children are born. Now go, get her. You must complete your mission."

"I will do that now." Said Reign as she flew off.

----------------------In Lena's penthouse---------------------------

Lena was sitting in her apartment looking at an old picture with her and Kara when....

"Lena Luthor"

"Who are you?" 

"I am Reign."

"What do you want."

"I want you and your children."

"What for?"

"I want you to help me cleanse the sin off this world."

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