Radron Encounters Jinesis's Squad

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The four Majins sees a being in the distance, and they lock eyes. Bruno has his eyes widen in shock, "W-Who is that?". Jinesis says seriously, "I don't know but something is radiating from him. It feels like corruption". Scorpio says looking at Jinesis, "So does this mean we have to fight him?". Helen asked feeling slightly nervous, "A-Are you sure we can even beat this guy?". Jinesis says looking at her squad, "I don't know but if we have to fight. We will. We patrol the Multiverse stopping crime and helping anyone we can". Helen says looking at Jinesis, "Y-Yeah but... This is different. Even though I can't sense his power, but that corruption is sending chills down my spine". 

Radron stares at them and thinks, "Majins? I've never seen them before. They look rather young. That damn Shapeshifter said something about more Devils after me. Is this what she meant?". He shouts, "You four. Are you working under Lord Dark? The Ancient Demon, Destroyer Of Worlds?". He thinks to himself, "What other names does he have?". Jinesis and her squadmates turns their heads to look at him. Jinesis responds firmly, "Who? We are patrollers who patrol the Multiverse. Who are you? Are you here to cause trouble?". Radron puts his hand on his chin and thinks, "She doesn't know who he is. This isn't one of Lord Dark's lackeys then. They patrol the Multiverse? How have I never heard of them. Those answers aren't sufficient enough". He instantly appeared in-front of them. They quickly put their guard up and Radron inquires, "What is the name of this group of yours". The four looks at each other and back at him. Jinesis says, "We don't have a name. We just patrol to keep the Multiverse safe". Radron crosses his arms and inquires further, "Really now? Does the Guardian Of All The Multiverses know about this?". Jinesis responds, "No. Why should he know?". Radron says being curious, "No reason. You seem like the leader of this group since you're the only one doing the talking. What is your name?". Jinesis says still holding her guard up, "Jinesis. Yours?". Radron chuckles a bit, "Hehe. No one at all. You kids should be patrolling elsewhere now". He turns his back to them and starts to float away. Jinesis clunches her fist and says, "Hey! I still got questions for you". Radron stops flying away and he is a foot away from them. He speaks but doesn't turn his head to look at them, "What questions could you possibly have for a nobody like me?". Bruno looks at her and says nervously, "Jinesis.... Don't push it. He is leaving. We should go back home". Jinesis looks at Bruno and says, "I can't. He can't be trusted. That corruption of his can only lead to trouble or something worse". Jinesis looks at Radron and says, "Who are you really? I need to know. For the safety of the Multiverse". Radron chuckles again, "Hehehe. Safety of the Multiverse? Isn't that the Guardian's job? Hmm?". Jinesis says almost demandingly, "Well he is probably off protecting it as we speak but we are here to also help. Now tell me. Who are you". Radron asked, "And if I refuse?". Jinesis says as her aura burst out of her, "We have no choice but to subdue you". Radron turns around and looks at them with a devilish smile, "Subdue me? Hah. I like to see you kids try". Scorpio says being slightly shocked, "That smile.... He is definitely some kind of evil". Jinesis says as she prepares for her attack, "I told you that corruption can lead to no good. Now let's fight him". The four of them charge towards the fused Saiyan. The three of them throw barrages of punches and kicks while Bruno hangs back charging a Ki-Blast. Radron dodges them all almost effortlessly. Bruno throws a Ki-blast towards him and Radron unleashes his aura out of him. The sheer force of it made the Ki-blast disappear instantly and sends the three Majins flying. The three of them catches themselves which stopped the momentum of the pushback. Helen shivers, "T-That corruption and his power is i-insane!". Jinesis determined to subdue her opponent says, "We have to try to someway beat him!". Radron appears in-front of Bruno. He looks up at the Saiyan and tries to throw a punch. Radron catches it and says, "I know Majins come in all shapes and sizes but you... You been eating too much candy. Here let me help you!". He punches the Majin in the stomach hard which he spits out lots of blood. Radron kicks the Majin away to a nearby planet. Jinesis says quickly, "Helen, go get Bruno. Me and Scorpio will handle him". Helen nods and quickly flies towards Bruno. The two Majins charge at Radron at different angles, and the two shot a ki-blast at him. Radron moves his body side to side to dodge it. Scorpio throws a barrage of Ki-blast while Jinesis extends her arms to wrap his entire body. Radron looks down and sees himself getting restraint. The ki-blast hits Radron's face. Scorpio's eyes widen in shock as he noticed no damage was done to him. Radron sighs almost being disappointed, "Look. Tell you what". He spins around which forces Jinesis's whole body to spin along with him. He stops spinning and has a hold of Jinesis's face while her entire body is wrapped around with her arms. Radron continues, "I'll let the two of you transform. I know Majins have a transformation. So here". He tosses Jinesis to Scorpio and he catches her. Jinesis quickly unwraps herself and returns her arms back to normal, "Thanks". They turn to him, and they power up. Pink smoke covers their entire body. The smoke slowly disappears, and it shows them in their purification form. They both hit their chests like a gorilla simultaneously. Radron crosses his arms and before he could say anything, he sensed two other Majins appear behind him. They too are in purification form. Radron says confidently, "The whole squad is here. Good. Tell you what. I won't use my arms at all. Just my legs. Let's see if you all can survive". Bruno and Helen charges towards him like a bowling ball. Jinesis surrounds herself with her aura and Scorpio puts two hands forward. He shot a ki-beam. Jinesis charges towards him like a bullet, using pearl flash. Radron smirks as he started moving so quick that the other Majins look like they are moving in very slow motion. He kicks Bruno in the face and then his stomach. Sending him flying towards an asteroid. He crashes into it and reverts back to base form, passing out in the process. Radron appears in-front of Helen and knees her in the face. He follows it up with a axe kick. She crash lands on top of him which made him gasp in pain. She reverts back to base form and passes out. Jinesis flies towards him and Radron dodges the upcoming attack. She turns around and roars. Radron appears in-front of her and kicks her in the stomach hard. He then kicks her in the face and follows it with a roundhouse kick to another asteroid. Jinesis crashes into the asteroid which it got destroyed. Radron notices a ki-blast heading his way. He deflects the Ki-blast by kicking it back to Scorpio but extremely fast to the point he couldn't react in time. The ki-blast completely consumes him. He crashes into an asteroid and reverts back to base form. He passes out. Radron turns to Jinesis and says being impressed, "Oh your definitely tougher than the others. Probably why you were their leader". Jinesis starts to power up again. Her pink aura changed to dark blue on the inside but the outside light blue. She transforms into Majin God. She looks at Radron seriously, "You. I will stop you". Radron says with a confident smile, "Oh? Bold claim kid. Come try". Jinesis charges towards him. She throws a barrage of punches to him. He dodges them all at first but then he kicks her in the stomach but withholds the force of it to prevent her from flying off. He analyzes her aura closely and becomes intrigued, "You have God Ki. A Majin with God Ki. Now that is something worth knowing more about. Tell you what. I'll let you have a few freebees. I want to see what you can do". Jinesis clunches her fist and flies upward. She says angrily, "You wanna see what I can do?! Fine!". She puts two hands together forming a half-circle. She puts it to her side and a pink ball of ki forms. It shines somewhat bright but not as bright as the sun. Radron still having his arms crossed watches on and thinks, "Oooh Majin Kamehameha. I wonder if she knows Gina". The ball of ki becomes brighter and she yells, "HAAA!!!". She unleashed the beam towards her enemy. Radron closes his eyes with a smile, and it completely consumes him. Jinesis puts her hands down and says to herself, "He really let my attack hit him". The blast dissipates and Radron floats there undamaged like as if it never hit him in the first place. Jinesis's eyes widen in shock but Radron says being unimpressed, "Thought that would do something. Shame really". Jinesis instinctively shoots multiple ki-blast to him and Radron dodges them. He snap vanishes behind her and says, "You only have one freebee left Majin". She quickly turns around and dashes backward. Radron inquires, "You are the 2nd Majin I know that has God Ki. Tell me. Do you know of a bluish purplish Majin named Gina?". Jinesis says slightly confused, "Gina? Never heard of her". Radron says being disappointed, "Oh. That is a shame. You still have that one freebee left Majin. Throw me your best attack". Jinesis puts her hand forward like she is about to do a Final Flash. A pink beam starts to form in her hands and pink lighting surges all around her hands. She stares directly at Radron and thinks, "This has to at least weakened him. Otherwise, we are done for". She charges it even more which her power skyrocketed. Radron smiles cockily as he floats. Jinesis yells, "NEUTRONIC ERASER GUN!!!". She unleashes her powerful pink ki-beam. It heads towards the fused Saiyan at extreme speeds. Radron floats confidently and says, "Now that is strong". The moment he finished his sentence, the beam completely consumes him. Jinesis wipes her forehead as her breaths became rapid. The smoke clears and Radron smiles at her, "That was quite an impressive attack I do say. You used up all your freebees kid". He appears in-front of her and quickly knees her stomach. Jinesis coughs up blood as her vision starts to get blurry. Radron kicks her upward. He flies towards her and was about to do another kick but stopped his foot mere inches away from her face. He uses God binds to stop her body from moving. He looks at her face and notices she is unconscious. He thinks, "She isn't working for Lord Dark. I do sense good in her. I'll keep her and her little gang alive. Maybe they can provide me more useful research". He uncrossed his arms and uses God bind on all of them. He moved them towards him. He piled them up together and he pushes them away towards a nearby habitable planet. He teleports back to his home world. He appears inside of his base and reverts back to base form. He falls on his knees and spits out blood. He felt a numbing pain throughout his body. He coughs out blood again. He looks around him and slowly reaches for his office chair. He grabs it. He slowly gets up while wincing in pain. He manages to sit on the office chair and breaths heavily. He says to himself, "T-That transformation plus absorbing Dark Ki along with the Shapeshifters ability took more out of me than I thought. Damn, I didn't even eat anything...". He passed out on his office chair.

Meanwhile, on the strange unknown planet. An hour passed by. The group of Majins slowly woke up at the sametime. Bruno holds his stomach feeling pain to it, "Ow... My stomach hurts". Scorpio says as he sits up, "Yeah.... Man, he seriously packs a punch". Helen puts her hand on her face and says, "No joke there. My face still hurts". Jinesis holds her head as she stands up, "That guy beat us like we were amateurs". Scorpio looks up at her and says, "Yeah. He is leagues above us. There's no way we can beat him". Jinesis looks at her hand and says being angry at herself, "Even in my Majin God state. I couldn't do anything!". Helen slowly stands up and puts her other hand on Jinesis's shoulder, "He let us live so there is a next time". Jinesis turns to her realizing what she said. Jinesis looks at all of them, "Why did he let us live? He had corruption". Scorpio says, "Don't forget that creepy smile of his". Jinesis says, "Yeah. He is evil but that doesn't explain why he let us live". Bruno comments, "I noticed he had a red spiky tail". Jinesis thinks and Helen says, "He had a Dragon crest mark on his chest". Scorpio says, "Does this mean he is some sort of Humanoid Dragon?". Jinesis stays silent while she thinks. Bruno says, "Uh I think so. He was just floating in space alone". Helen says, "Yeah he was. Maybe he was lost? He didn't attack us until we provoked him". Jinesis shakes her head, "No. All of that doesn't make any sense. Why would he float in space alone and why did he scream?". Scorpio says, "I did say he sounded like he was in pain". Jinesis looks at them seriously, "Before we confront him again. We first need to figure out who this person is and what is he after. I still believe that corruption he had is not good for the Multiverse. We also need to find the Guardian and inform him. He knows what to do. You all with me?". Her squad nodded in agreement. They were about to fly off, but Jinesis stopped moving. Her squadmates looked at her and Bruno asked, "Why did you stop moving? I thought we were gonna go home?". Jinesis says, "We are but there was a name he mentions. A Majin named Gina". Helen asked curiously, "Why would he mention another Majin?". Jinesis says, "I don't know but he mentioned someone has the Majin God form. He must mean her". Scorpio says, "Maybe she can help us. Wherever she is". Jinesis says, "Maybe she can. That is another thing we have to do on our list". Bruno says with a smile, "Yeah! We can do all of that when we get home". Jinesis nods and they all fly back to their home world.

To Be Continued....

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