Radron Vs Demon Queen Tara

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He appears in a Demon realm that is familiar yet unfamiliar at the sametime. He appeared in the outskirt of a large city. He distorts his body, ki and magic back to his own. He floats above the ground and gaining altitude. He is close to the clouds, and he sees the city. He thinks, "This isn't the Demon Realm Of Universe 6. Yet this is a Demon realm. Which one am I in?". He flies towards the city. He looks down and tries to analyze the building. He hears a sturdy voice, "Hey you!". He turns around and sees two guards. He looks at the sigil on their shoulder pads and he thinks, "I'm in Universe 7's Demon Realm. Strange. Why did it put me here? Did the universes move around this much?". One of the guards said, "You don't look like from this realm. Identify yourself now!". Radron grows his signature smirk, "You know what the best way to drag out a time patroller?". The guard has a confused look, "Huh? What are you yapping about?". Radron says manically, "Its by messing up timelines!". He shot a point blank ki-blast at the two guards, and they explode along with the blast. He looks at the city and unleashes his godly blue aura. He kept his signature smile as he yells out, "Attention all you worthless Demons!". The Demons look up at the sky and they see a being floating. He says, "Bow down to me now or be prepared to be cleansed!". The civilians mumbled amongst themselves. He notices none of them are bowing to him and he says, "Don't want to? Fine then. Be prepared to be cleansed! Hahahaha!". He laughs manically as he charges up a godly white sphere with one finger. He points his finger towards the city and the godly sphere heads towards it. The civilians start panicking and screaming. The godly sphere made contact with the ground, and it created a gigantic super nuclear type of explosion. He makes his godly aura bigger and bigger. His aura starts to shine bright. He says laughing manically, "Hahaha! All you Demons and Devils will be cleansed! Ripped clean from this realm and every other realm to follow!". He teleports to another city, and he charges a godly sphere again. The civilians feel the pressure from his aura as they run and scream in terror. He points to the city and the godly sphere heads towards the city like the last one. Another super nuclear type of explosion occurred. He continues laughing manically until he sensed multiple power signatures heading towards him. He looks to his left side and saw a hundred Demon soldiers. They all shoot their ki-blasts at him without saying anything. Radron turn his attention fully to them as he wiggles his finger. He dodges all their attacks effortlessly, "Tsk Tsk. You all are far too weak for me". His eyes glow and suddenly almost all the soldiers felt a stab in the chest. The one that didn't get stab quickly took out his holophone and said in terror, "Your m-majesty. We need back up! This being.... He isn't-" before he can say anything, he felt a hand on his head. Radron says, "Contacting your King or Queen, eh? Maybe they can prove a challenge to me!". He squashes his head like some fruit. Blood exploded everywhere. He drops the body to the ground and stabs it with multiple legendary spears. He puts two fingers in the air and everything in a one-hundred-mile radius exploded. Annihilating every building and roads that remained. He says, "Next up is royalty haha!". He quickly flies towards a fancy city. The civilians noticed a shining light headed their way and they run in panic and fear. He sees the civilians but stopped moving when he felt someone approach him. He turns around and he sees a purple haired Demon woman. She says angrily, "You won't get away with what you did!". Radron has a surprised expression as he thinks, "Huh? Is that Jezebel?! No. She has black hair. This one has purple hair. Judging by her power and the direction she came from; she must be the Queen. Jezebel isn't the type to rule an entire realm". He inquires, "You must be Queen. Tell me, do you know someone by the name Jezebel?". The Queen says while she gets into her fighting stance, "I'm not telling you anything! You destroyed my cities and hurt my people. I will kill you asshole! And I don't give a damn if you have the Guardians power signature". Radron raises his eyebrow and thinks, "She knows about Rage? Wait if she can identify Rage's ki signature then that means she has met him before, yet I don't remember meeting her at all. This is the future timeline so that means at some point we crossed paths. Also, not to mention that fighting stance is similar Jezebel". He noticed the queen charging in at him and She unleashed a barrage of punches. Radron dodges them by moving his body side to side seamlessly. The Queen dashes back and shoots multiple ki-blasts at him. Radron smirks cockily as the ki-blasts seem to go right through his body. The Queen thinks, "What is this?! It's like he has Ultra Instinct in his base form. Let's see if he can dodge this!". She was about to charge another ki-blast until she felt a punch to the stomach. She gasps in pain, and she felt a hand grabbing her neck. Radron lifts her up and says disappointingly, "Your base form is far too weak. I'll tell you what. I'll let you transform. I know Demons have a transformation". He lets go of her neck and she rubs her neck. She stops and she unleashes her aura. She yells as her hair turns blue and her eyes turn sapphire blue. Her aura changed to blue and it engulfs her. After a few moments, the aura breaks away to reveal a godly transformation. She looks at him and says angrily, "You think you're the only one who has godly powers?!". Radron eyes widen in shock, "Y-You're a Saiyan?!". The Queen notices his tail moving sporadically and she looks back at him, "Yeah. I See you're a Saiyan too". Radron crosses his arms and says with a smile, "Since we both are Saiyans. We understand each other on a fundamental level but" his face expression changed to a hateful one. He continues, "You are Demon and I hate Demons!!". His aura explodes from within as he charges towards her. The Queen charges towards him as well. They both punched each other's fist which sent a shockwave throughout the Demon realm. The force of the shockwave sent the two flying back. Radron quickly catches himself and thinks, "She was able to match my force of that punch. Something tells me she is holding back". The Queen catches herself too and thinks, "Damn even in Super Saiyan Blue. He matched my punch. I'll show him my godly power is better!". She charges towards him full speed and Radron notices. She threw an aggressive punch and Radron blocks it. They started to snap vanish all around as shockwaves can be heard from them punching their fists. Radron powers up and he throws a swift punch, but The Queen blocked it with her forearm. She retaliates with a punch of her own aiming at his stomach. Radron quickly moved his leg upward to block the incoming attack. Radron headbutts the Demons hybrid. Her head moved back for a moment and Radron smirks cockily. She says, "You think that hurts me? How about you taste your own medicine!". She quickly moves her head and headbutts her enemy with so much force that he crashes into the ground which created a massive crater. He gets up and he rubs his forehead, "She got spirit. I'll give her that but-" before he can continue his sentence, he sees a burning purple beam attack headed to his way. He breaths in and opens his mouth. A bright green light shine in his mouth. He shouts which unleashed the Gigantic Roar. The two beam attacks rushed towards each other, and they made contact. The beam attacks formed a giant circle in the middle of it as they try to overpower the other. The Queen puts more power into her attack. It starts pushing the Saiyan's attack back. Radron's eyes glow green as his body becomes bigger and his hair spikes up. His hair changes to green and when his aura bursts out from his body, it also changes to green. His gigantic roar overpowers the Queens attack, and it heads straight for her. Her eyes widen as she barely moved out of the way. The blast shot up straight into the sky. A moment later, it fades away. She looks down at the ground and her enemy is no longer at the crater. She looks around and tries to search for his ki signature. She thinks, "That power felt like the Legendary Super Saiyan". She felt a presence behind her, and she turns around. The moment she did, she felt a punch to the face which sent her crashing towards the palace.

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