Radron Meets A Rouge Fusion?!

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Radron was thrown into a portal after his fight with the Ancient Demon. He stands before another rouge fusion. The area around is very similar yet different to The Devourer. Radron gets into his fighting stance and he demands, "Tell me what timeline is this!". Ragevil narrows his eyes at the alerted Saiyan warrior and he stated simply, "Relax Radron. That is no way to speak to me in my domain". Radron tightens his stance, "Tch. Just tell me where I am!". Ragevil places his arm on the armrest and he responded ominously, "This is timeline 201H. You are in Universe 6's Demon realm". Radron thinks for a moment, "201H? Based on what that damn Lord Dark told me. Ragevil and I are connected to the same Conton City". He looks at the rouge fusion, "Thanks for telling me. Now, I have another question. How did you became permanently fused and went rouge?". Ragevil's eyes glows red as he looks down upon the Saiyan warrior, "I won't exchange that information to you. Radron The Devourer". Radron raises his eyebrow in surprise. He closes his eyes for a moment and then he opened them. He regained his composure and he looks at the rouge fusion, "I'm quite surprised you know me".  Ragevil slowly stands up, "I've known about you for quite some time now". The moment he finished his sentence, he appeared next to the Saiyan warrior. Radron eyes widen a bit and he thinks, "What was that? Did he use Time Stop? No, its something else. I was barely able to keep track of his movements". Ragevil stands tall with his head slowly lowered, "I've caught word of your existence ever since you've invaded Conton City and left it in ruin. You even abducted Chronoa. That was quite the sight to see. I also know your fight against the fourth, The Legendary Assasin, the formation of your ragtag group, your invasion on-" he was cut off by Radron saying, "Okay. I get it. You've been keeping tabs on me since that whole ordeal in Conton City". Radron turns his head to look at Ragevil but he was gone. Radron raises his eyebrow again and he looks at the throne. Ragevil stands next to it, "Do you know whose in charge of Conton City now?". Radron thinks for a moment before saying, "Hmm... No". Ragevil looks at the Saiyan warrior and he said ominously, "You should. Its a being known as Nali. She was placed there by none other than your timeline Lord Dark. He now has control over not only the Time Patrollers but the Time Breakers as well". Radron moves his head back slightly as he realized what his actions has caused. Radron said, "In a way, he is the Supreme Kai Of Time now. Lord Dark can invade any timelines he wants that are connected to this Conton City. That means someone like Darco, the Guardian Of Everything can't stop him or do anything for that matter". Ragevil sits on his throne again, "Exactly. Not only that but you broke the barrier that keeps the timelines from colliding. Now, he can simply fly in a certain direction and he entered in a timeline. No portals, techniques or equipment needed anymore. He played you, Radron". Radron looks at his hands and he thinks, "What... No... All I did... He-" and suddenly the flashback to Lord Dark's words play, "You are nothing but play thing to me. Entertainment". Radron falls on his knees and he held his head, "No... No... WHAT IS MY EXISTENCE?!?!?!". Radron screams and screams until he felt a punch to the face. He falls to the ground and he felt someone grabbing him by the vest. He sees that it was Ragevil and his expression was angry. Ragevil said, "Enough! Yelling won't get you anywhere. Do you want to kill Lord Dark or not?!". Radron eyes widen in surprise, "W-What..?". Ragevil said, "Look at me. Do you know who I am?'. Radron replied, "Uhh... Yeah, your Ragevil, a fusion of Rage and Ragevil..... Oh". Radron looks at him with his eyes light up. Ragevil removes his hand from the Saiyan warrior's vest and he stands up confidently, "Now you get it". Radron slowly stands up, "I do. We need to fuse in order to defeat Lord Dark!". Ragevil crosses his arms, "No. You need to gather knowledge in order to kill him. Lucky for you, I have the knowledge to do so". Radron looks at him, "What? You do?". Ragevil looks back at him, "Of course. Especially since I killed my own timeline Lord Dark". Radron's eyes widen in shock, "No way... That's impossible... Tell me how!". Ragevil placed his hand on the Saiyan warrior's shoulder, "I will. You just need to relax and rest. You have virtually no power left to even transform into normal Super Saiyan". Radron thinks, "How does he know so much? Hmm. Even though he is almost like me in terms of the people he is fused with but still. I can't blindly trust him. For now, I'll just follow what he says". Radron has a relaxed expression, "Heh. Your probably right. Well, where can I rest?". Ragevil removes his hand off of the Saiyan warrior's shoulder, "I'll have my son show you the way". Ragevil puts one finger in the air and a small red light shines. A few moments later, John teleported next to Ragevil. Ragevil says, "John. Show our guest here the room". John nods and he says, "Right. Well follow me". Radron nods and he follows John out of the throne room. Ragevil teleports to his throne and he sits on it. Ragevil thinks, "That portal wasn't any ordinary one. It looked like it was from Lord Dark. Why did he lead Radron to me? He clearly knows I have the knowledge to kill him. This doesn't seem like a trap but I have to be cautious". He pushed a button on the side of the throne. The next moment, Julia and Farah appeared in-front of Ragevil. They said at the sametime, "Why have you called us honey?". Ragevil said ominously, "I want you two to set up a barrier around the palace and sensors as well. After that, call on Hinari to cast a space mirage too. Have her patrol in secrecy. Understood?". The two bowed and they disappeared. Ragevil thinks, "That should by us-!". He quickly stands up and he charges ki-beams in his hands. Five hands comes out from his back and one of them holds a black spear like weapon while the other holds a familiar sword and the rest charge ki-blast as well. He looks around and he thinks, "Somone's watching me but where?". He looks around carefully for several minutes until he sighs. His five hands disappear along with the weapons. The beams that he was charging faded away and he thinks, "Someone is definitely watching this timeline but I can't pinpoint the exact location. Whoever it is, I have to keep my guard up". 

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