Radron Fights The Final Legion Of Elites Continues!

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Radron and Yara are in the fifth dimension. They stare at each other for a few moments before they charge towards each other. They punch each others fist and the force of it completely collapsed the fifth dimension. They jumped back but then the two charge each other again. The two of them disappeared and shockwaves from their attacks can be seen throughout the entire dimension. Each clash destabilizes the sixth dimension. After the final shockwave, Radron was punched downward. Yara appeared above him and she grabbed his body with her giant pink hands. She spins around and a solid ground forms beneath them. Just before they reach the ground, Yara lets go of him. Radron crashes into it, head first. The ground cracks and Radron uses air pressure to lift himself up. He moves his body around so that he can land on the ground with his feet. Blood runs down his forehead but small bits of green goo was on the wound. Radron wipes the blood off his forehead once the green goo was gone. He looks up to see a giant dark red ki-blast and the entire dimension shakes intensely. Radron moves his hand forward and the soul reaper charges towards it. Yara throws down the giant ki-blast. The triangular symbol in her eyes moves in 180 degrees. The Soul Reaper's motion suddenly stopped. Radron moves his hand forward as he tries to move his Soul Reaper, "Move damn it". The ki-blast made contact with the Soul Reaper and it created a huge explosion. The Soul Reaper shattered into a million pieces. Radron thinks, "How the?! That only ever happened once and that was during my training to have complete control and mastery over all the ki that I have". Radron looks above him and he throws a punch. Yara flies down to him a missile being launched into a building. Yara moves her head to the side to dodge the attack. She punched him in the face and her right pink hand grabbed his head. Radron throws a ki-blast at her. She snap vanishes behind him. Radron turns around and he throws a fast punch. Yara blocks it with her pink hand and she sends her other pink hand to attack. Radron jumps backwards and he dodges the attack. Yara charges towards him again. The fused Saiyan unleashed a one handed black ki-blast. Yara flies down a bit to dodge the attack but Radron spins his body in 360 degree angle. Yara uses both her pink hands to cover her entire body. The fused Saiyan infuses his legs with Death ki and he kicks her pink hands. The force of the attack sent her flying downward. Radron was about to fly after her but he felt something holding him in place and he thinks, "What the? I can't move!". He looks in-front of him to see Yara already in-front of him. The triangular symbol in her eyes continuously moves in 180 degrees. She thrusts her giant pink hands but before they could reach, everything froze in place. Radron unleashes his aura and it broke off the objects that were holding him in place. He quickly flew up and he thinks, "I know she's going to reverse it on me any minute now. I'll have to use Death ki to trap her. Let's see if this works". He continues to fly higher and higher. However, he felt his body completely freeze in place. He moves his eyes down to see Yara flying towards him. The triangular symbols continues to move as she thrusts one of her giant pink hands forward. Radron smiles and the moment her attack connects, his body disappears. Suddenly, her giant pink hand was cuffed by black chain. She thinks, "This is made out of Death ki. Hmm!". She quickly turns her head around and she saw a black beam heading towards her. She looks all around her and she saw thousands of Radron's clones. They all chuckle as they charge a Death Kamehameha. She thinks, "These clones are all real but I sense he is using reality warping". She winces in pain as the cuffs started to disintegrate her pink hand. All the clones released their Death Kamehameha's at her. She closes her eyes for a few moments and she senses the beam attacks all around her. She opens her eyes and there is two triangular symbols. The entire dimension started to crack and dark red shards stab each of the clones. They all yelled before turning into dust. Yara creates a wall of Dragon ki. She looks at the cuff and she shot a beam attack at it. The cuff cracks and the next moment, it broke. The cuff falls and it turns into tiny particles. Yara uses her other pink hand to regenerate the damage. She looks all around her to find multiple Hellsgates and she says, "Immobilizing me with those chains coated in Death ki won't work anymore". Radron's voice echoes in the dimension, "That might be true but look closer". Yara notices an object behind the Hellsgate and her triangular eyes shifted around. She saw the Soul Reapers behind each Hellsgate. Yara has a look of shock before hearing, "Now... SOULS GATE!". The gates opened and chains flung towards her. The Soul Reapers fly around the chains. Yara opens her eyes wide and she attempts to stop each one. However, she felt a stab on her shoulder and another on her back and another on her calf. Blood started to seep through her clothing and she coughs up blood. Radron says, "Now for my finishing move. Super Soul Reaper!". A ten foot long dark-green Spear formed above her. She looks up to see it pointing at her. The Super Soul Reaper shoots down towards her and Yara uses her eyes to stop it. However, the Spear kept on flying towards her. Yara's eyes widen before the Spear stabs her in the head but it continues to travel down her body. The spear stopped once it reached her foot. Blood comes out from her eyes and mouth. Her eyes roll back as she falls to the ground. Her blood pours out from her body as she floats there motionless. Radron smiles and he punched the sky, "Yeah! I defeated her". He thinks, "Since she is.... Wait a minute". He looks at Yara's motionless body and he thinks, "Why hasn't she disappeared yet? This Super Soul Reaper is fifty other Soul Reapers combined together! She would've disappeared instantly! Never to be reincarnated again yet. Why is she still there?! Don't tell me she can somehow negate being completely annihilated?!". Radron gets into his fighting stance and he unleashes his aura. He stares intensely at her but she hasn't moved a single muscle. He thinks, "I can't sense her heart beat nor her breathing. Her ki signature is completely gone. Actually I can't even sense her life force at all. What is she-" before he can finish his sentence, he felt a hand stab through his back and into his heart. He slowly looks to his side as he coughs up blood and his eyes widen in shock, "H-How are you-" he was interrupted by Yara saying, "I know what question your going to ask but let me ask you this. Do you know how my abilities work?". Radron coughs up more blood as he slowly moves his hands, "Y-You can reverse some of my abilities and.... Y-You can freeze things in place". Yara digs her hand more into his heart, "You are partially correct. I can reverse or cancel out almost every ability you have at your disposal. I can halt an objects movements down to its atomic structure. Those objects that held you in place was strands of your atomic structure I took from your body". Radron's hands dropped down, "W-What? How did you take my atoms without me knowing?". Yara responded coldly, "I just used a glimpse of my full power but now to answer your question".  Yara tone changed to a sinister voice, "What you see over there is a fake me". Radron coughs up more blood, "A-A clone?". Yara moves her hands upward and she cuts his heart in half. She takes her hand out and Radron's heart exploded. He vomits blood as he falls on his knees. Yara prepares her next attack, "Not quite. Look at my fake body again". Radron slowly looks at her dead body and the flesh of it comes off. Radron's eyes widen in shock, "N-No.... It can't be. Tazon!". Yara stabs his head and his brain, "Yes indeed. Zeldron's son and King Of Universe 6's Heaven Realm. A perfect candidate for this situation but unfortunately for you, that will be the last person you will see. Goodbye Radron The so called 'Devourer'". She moves her hand upward which sliced his brain in half and she takes her hand out. His brain and head exploded. His body falls on the floor as huge amounts of blood pours out from his neck. Yara coats her hands in Dragon ki to destroy any remaining Death ki on her. Yara puts her hand above his body and she charges a beam attack that's infused with Dragon ki and Dark ki. She said in her usual emotionless tone, "You were quite a worthy adversary. Unfortunately, you only pushed me to use 55% of my power. Now begone from this Omniverse". She unleashed the beam attack and it consumes his entire body. His body completely obliterated from the attack. Yara stops her attack and she puts her hands in her pockets. She looks down to see multiple red eyes staring at her in the darkness. The red eyeballs quickly turned there attention to look behind Yara. She thinks, "Is he still alive?! I made sure that blast annihilated not only his physical body but his soul too". She hears a loud Dragon like roar all echoing throughout the dimension. She quickly turns around and she has a look of shock. Multiple ki's started to move and concentrate in one spot. A bright light shines at the spot as it started to form a soul. Yara thinks, "How is this possible?! I've never seen anything like this before. All the ki he has gain throughout his travels is regenerating his soul. This shouldn't be possible!". The soul fully forms and the body is starting to form. Yara slaps herself and she thinks, "I can't loose my composure right now. He is still vulnerable. I will destroy him once and for all". Yara's triangular symbols started to spin in 180 degrees and she moves her giant pink hands forward. The morphing of Radron's body stopped as if it was frozen in time. A giant dark red and purple beam formed on her giant pink hands. She flaps her wings several times which created winds so fast that its tearing the dimension apart along with Radron's partly formed body. Yara thrusts her normal hands forward which created multiple small Dragon ki bullets which hits her enemy's body. His entire body was torn off into tiny pieces but the bullets that made contact with those pieces got disintegrated. Yara yells, "Demolisher Cannon!". She unleashed a giant beam that heads towards his soul. Yara continues to yell as she flaps her wings even faster and she thrusts her hands more. The beam completely consumes Radron's soul. Yara stops her thrust, "Now begone for good!". She clasps her normal hands together and a Universe size explosion occurred. The force of the explosion completely collapsed the dimension. Yara flapped her wings once more and the wind blew the smoke away. She focuses in on the spot his soul once was and she thinks, "I don't see his soul anymore. Its gone". She exhales heavily and Yara turns her attention to the eyes. The multiple eyes stare at the fourth member of the Legion Of Elites. Yara floats in the seventh dimension for a few minutes. She thinks, "The all seeing eyes haven't taken their attention off of me since I launched my Demolisher Cannon. Its safe to assume he is gone for good". She started to fly towards the eyes and she was about to reach them until the eyes moved up. A roar echoes throughout the entire dimension. She quickly looks up to see a hybrid of a Dragon and Titan. Yara's eyes widen in shock, "N-No. I... I made sure I annihilated him! I couldn't sense anything!". The Dragon-Titan hybrid roars again before charging a white-black beam in his mouth. Yara has a shocked expression, "This power... I've never felt it ever before. What is it?!". It fired the beam towards her. The beam tears through the dimension effortlessly as it closes the distance. Yara's triangular symbols move 180 degrees again at a very fast pace. Yara thinks, "I can't stop it. The beam is actually gaining speed. I need to dodge!". She snap vanishes several miles away from the beam as it continues to move downward. It heads towards the All Seeing Eyes. Yara thrust her pink hands forward and she creates a wall made out of Dragon ki and Dark ki. The beam hits the wall and it breaks through it effortlessly. Yara flies towards the All Seeing Eyes, "If he destroys them then Master will be extremely angry. I can't allow them to be destroyed. They are too valuable!". She increases her speed to the maximum. However, the beam reached the All Seeing Eyes and it completely obliterates them. Yara yells out, "NNOOOO!". The Dragon-Titan hybrid roars once more and the power of it shatters the entire dimension. Yara clenches her fist tightly as she unleashes her aura, "You have gone too far Radron. I was careless for not using my full power but no more. Now I will use 100%!". A third triangle appears in her eyes and her wings grew bigger, her body became bigger. Dark red-flames covers her entire body like a shield, her teeth grew sharper and wider like a Dragon's teeth. Her body grew to be twenty feet tall and she stands like a anthropomorphic animal. She roars loudly which sounded like a mixture of a Dragon and Devil's roar. Her roar's echoes throughout the entire eighth dimension. Radron glares at Yara and he flaps his wings. The two of them charge towards each other. Radron attempts to grab her but Yara claws his face. Radron roars in pain but he punches her stomach hard. Yara spits out blood but she increases the intensity of the flames. Radron opens his mouth and he charges up another white-black beam. Yara tries to slash at his face again but he grabbed her hands. She uses her pink hands to punch him in the face. Radron growls in pain as he stopped charging the beam attack. He grabs headbutts her and he lets go of her hands. Radron moves his head to the side to cut her cheeks with his horns. Yara roars in pain before she felt a grab to her face. Radron lifts her up and he roars in her face. He throws her away and he charges a white-black beam again. Yara catches herself and she touches the wound on her face. The wound disappears and she uses her pink hands to punch the air several times. Multiple purple spheres appeared and they were launched towards the Dragon-Titan hybrid. Radron unleashed the giant white-black beam. His beam completely destroys the purple spheres and it heads towards Yara. She dashes away to dodge the attack. Radron moved his head to the side which it moved the beam attack. Yara flies upward and the three triangular symbols spin 180 degrees. Dark red shards appeared behind Radron and it attempts to pierce him. Radron disappears and Yara looks around. She thinks, "His ki signature, life force, his presence completely disappeared! Where did it go?". Radron appeared behind Yara and he grabs her. The fourth increase the intensity of the flames. Radron showed no pain as he starts to crush her body. Yara screams in pain and she thinks, "T-The Dragon ki flames aren't affecting him. Why?!". Radron continues to crush her body more. Yara uses her pink hands to punch his face several times. This forces Radron to let go of her and she uses her tail to smack him away. Yara breaths heavily as she opens her Dragon like hands. She charges multiple flaming spheres, "If Dragon ki no longer affects you. What about a true Dragon's flame!". She thrusts her hands forward and she unleashes a barrage of flaming spheres at him. Radron catches himself as he roars again which shook the entire dimension. He flaps his wings once before charging towards her. The flames hits his body and he growls in pain. He continues flying towards her. More and more flaming spheres makes contact with the Dragon-Titan hybrid. Radron stopped flying as he roars in pain. Yara unleashes even more flaming spheres. A bright light shines all around him once again. Yara raises an eyebrow in confusion, "What is happening now?". She stops her attack. The light disappears and Radron is in a different form. His hair is half-white, half black and its past his shoulders, almost at his waist. He has hair on his shoulders and one bang sticking out. The purple markings on his face changed to black. He has spikes on his elbows and thin white wrist-bands. The Dragon symbol is still on his chest but it has red eyes. The black lines connect from his thin wristbands all the way to the Dragon symbol. His tail is black with white stripes, he has green gi belt, black gi pants and pure white gi shoes. He opens his eyes and the God Of Destruction symbol is in his pupil. He looks at Yara and he lifts one hand up. Yara gets into her fighting stance. They stare at each other for several seconds until Radron shot a black-white ki-beam at her. Yara barely dodges it and it is only half an inch away from her body. Yara thinks, "That was so fast. I only saw it at the last second". Yara uses her pink hand to block a punch. Radron reels his other fist back and he holds it there for a second. Yara throws a punch with her other pink hand. Radron thrusts his fist forward and it obliterated her pink hand. Yara holds in the scream as she jumps away several feet. Unfortunately, Radron has caught up to her and he is only an inch away from her. He punched her in the stomach which caused her entire body to vibrate for a moment. Yara gets sent flying as blood started to seep through her skin and spill out of her body. Radron appeared behind her and he grabs his enemy by the neck. He unleashed a point-blank blast which sent her flying across the dimension. She created a wall behind her which she crashed into. The wall only cracked and she slowly removes herself off of it. She thinks, "This power isn't anything I've ever felt before. Yet, I am the final member of Master's Legion Of Elites and the strongest. I cannot fail. Especially since he destroyed the All Seeing Eyes". She focused on Radron as she charges up true Dragon flames in her hands. Radron slowly walks towards her and his hair flows as if wind was passing through it. Yara moves her hands forward and she unleashed a barrage of flaming spheres at him. Radron continues to walk and he has a neutral expression. The flaming spheres reached him but they flew past him. Yara thinks, "It phased through him?! No its-!" before she could finish her sentence, she felt a punch on her back. She spat out blood. Radron grabbed her tail and he started to spin her around. Yara says as she tries to keep her composure, "I-I know what you are doing. It won't work on me". She surrounds true Dragon flame around her tail which forced Radron to throw her prematurely. He looks at his hands to find burnt marks. He closes his hands and he re-opens them. The burnt marks are gone and he looks at his enemy. He points two fingers towards her and he launched an invisible attack. Yara catches herself but the moment she did, the attack pierced through her wings. She screams in pain but her screams became muffled. She moved her eyes to look at her enemy. Radron lifts her up and his eyes glow purple. Yara felt a strange yet painful sensation. She looks at her wings to find that they were turning into particles. She thinks, "He must've used some variation of Hakai on me! I have to-" before she could finish her sentence, multiple black-white chains wrapped around her arms and legs. It surrounded her limbs to the point that it looks like she has chains as arms and legs. She felt a burning sensation as she screams even louder yet it was muffled. She tries to move her body and she thinks, "My body. It won't move. It feels like I am completely paralyzed. Is this really the end?". Yara felt her wings completely gone and she continues her thought process, "I have been beaten. I'm sorry Master. I have failed you". She closes her eyes. Radron eyes started to glow purple again until..... SLLIIIICCCEE! The arm that was holding Yara, fell downward and Yara disappeared. White goo comes out of his wound as he turns around. He saw a strange man with a samurai hat and a blade hanging from his side. He held Yara in his arms. Yara opens her arms and she had a look of disbelief, "M-Mentor. You came!". Her mentor asked, "Can you stand up?". Yara nods and she got off of his arms. She stands up but weakly, "What are you doing here Mentor?". He says with a neutral tone, "Master told me to come save you and take you back". Yara looks down, "I see. I will accept any punishment". Radron thinks, "Mentor? That must be The Legendary Assasin". He moves his hand to his new enemy and he opens his hand. He unleashed the black-white beam. The Legendary Assasin quickly took his blade out and he sliced the attack in half. Radron slowly opened his eyes wide in shock. The Legendary Assasin's aura burst out of him and its red and white. He reels his sword back, "Outterversal Slash". He sliced the air which sent a transparent strike. Radron uses both his hands to unleash a thin yet powerful black-white beam attack. The two attacks collided but The Legendary Assasin's attack instantly cut through Radron's beam attack. The strike sliced Radron in half. The next second, his entire body was obliterated. Radron quickly morphed a new body but that too got obliterated instantly. Radron continues to morph several new bodies but each one kept on getting obliterated. Radron yells before it sliced his soul and sent a shockwave all around. He falls on the ground and only parts of his soul morphed his head and one arm. He has his eye half opened, "N-No. You can't just leave me like this". The Legendary Assasin puts his sword back on his side and he moves his hat down to cover his entire face, "Yes, I will". He moves his head slightly towards Yara and he says, "Mission is completed. Let's go". Radron winces in pain as he sticks out his hand, "At least... Tell me if you work for Lord Dark!". The Legendary Assasin turns his back as he grabs Yara and he disappears. The dimensions that were consumed or destroyed were re-created. The reality that was collapse was restored along with all the tear in reality. The black-purple dimension that was seeping through was gone. Radron grabs onto the ground and he noticed it was green grass. He thinks, "He restored everything back to normal but why?". He felt a shock throughout his soul and he thinks, "I'm so weak... I can't feel anything. I can't use any of my ki or abilities. I feel like my life is fading away from me. This can't be. I worked so hard yet... There's someone even above Yara. Is the gap between me and Lord Dark still this big?". His eyes are half opened and he looks at the ground. He continues his thought process, "Everything is becoming blurry. I feel cold. Very cold. Am I really going to die alone?". He heard a footstep in-front of him and he slowly looks up. He says weakly, "I... I don't.... want to die yet... Please help me...". His eyes closed and his face fell to the ground.

To Be Continued...

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