Radron Vs Lord Dark Continued!

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Radron The Devourer and Lord Dark The Ancient Demon stare each other down in a desolate wasteland. The two beings takes one step forwards before disappearing. Clashes all around the dimension can be heard. One moment, they are in the wasteland and the next they are in a patch of forest and then in a cave. The force of their power caused the entire cave to collapse. They appeared in a city that's booming. Radron felt a punch to the stomach which sent him flying into the city. The Demons run away instinctively. Radron lands on it with both his feet. Lord Dark crosses his arms as he flaps his wings once, "Hmph diverting the impact so it won't level the city entirely. How kind hearted of you. Caring for others in a time like this!". He moves his hands up and a giant black ki-ball formed. The center of gravity has shifted towards Lord Dark's attack. The buildings, plants and even the citizens were getting pulled away from the ground and towards the black ki-ball. Radron looks around and he thinks, "He created a super blackhole. Tch. Leveraging innocent lives against me. Tch, fine". He moves his hand up and he unleashed an Ultimate ki-beam. Lord Dark smirks evily, "Oh. You gotta do better than that". Radron looks around him and he noticed burnt off limbs wrap around his body. The burnt limbs emanate Outter Ki. Radron's eyes widen as he felt the insides of his soul tremble. Lord Dark chuckles before throwing the black hole like ki-ball. Lord Dark side stepped the beam attack to dodge and he was about to say something until in the corner of his eyes, he saw the beam attack taking a sharp turn. Lord Dark quickly turns around, "Hmph! A homing beam won't-!" Before he could finish his sentence, the beam attack morphed into Radron with a wide white blade. It got close to the black hole like attack and struck it. A bright light occurred before a huge explosion. The sky itself cracked and the area around him became a desolate wasteland. Lord Dark looks up at the sky and he thinks, "It caught me off guard but I won't allow it again. Now, as for the sky. Its a simple fix". He snaps his fingers and the cracks in the sky disappeared. Radron roars loudly as his body glows bright again. His body explodes but his soul appears in the sky. He morphs into a brand new body. Lord Dark comments, "You've mastered that ability. Only a select few even has possession of it". Radron zips towards his enemy, "What are you trying to say?". He throws an punch but Lord Dark blocks it with his wing. Lord Dark punches him in the stomach before smacking him into the ground. Radron spins and he lands with his feet again. His aura bursts out of him as he warps behind his enemy. He throws an elbow strike but Lord Dark deflected it. His body abnormally shifts to face The Devourer. Radron raises his body in slight shock but he blocks a punch. Lord Dark headbutts his opponent before smacking him away and following it up with a purple mouth blast. Radron spins in the sky to reverse the moment and launch himself back at enemy. He flew above the blast but he suddenly hands grabbing his legs. He looks back to see burnt hands again and Radron unleashed more of his aura. It disintegrated the hands but Radron felt a kick to his head. He crashed into the ground and blood splattered. Radron quickly gets up and the wound he had suffered, regenerated. Lord Dark crosses his arms again, "Let me enlighten you about our existence. This Omniverse we live in". Radron unleashed a two-handed white-black beam. Lord Dark scoffs as he tries to smack it with his wing. He felt as though the weight of multiple megaverses were on his wings. He curls up into a ball before expanding his body along with his aura. Multiple black beams shot down on the ground. Radron creates an Ultimate ki-shield and he moves his hands back in a half-circle. His eyes snapped open but before he could move a single muscle, he felt a stab in the chest. Radron coughed up blood and he looks back to see the Ancient Demon, "H-How...? Did you get past my Ultimate defense?". Lord Dark grew an evil smirk, "Oh its quite simple. You aren't the only one who can combine Ki together". Radron's eyes widen, "N-No... I thought Rage... No. I was the only one who could do that". The moment he finished his, the veins his body starts turning purple and his eyes scleral becomes yellow. Radron grabs his enemy's hand, "W-What are you doing to me?!". Lord Dark lifts his body high in the sky, "To prevent you from using that ability. Just like what I said previous about only few peoples posses the body morph. Even fewer beings posses the ability to counter it. Now then, I will continue what I was saying". Radron's body glows bright green at first and then red then blue then white and then black. He suddenly screamed in pain as his veins become black and he coughs up black blood. Lord Dark slams The Devourer onto the ground, "Did I forgot to mention that your Soul Morph won't work either? You can't escape. The more you struggle, the more you will cease to exist". Radron thinks, "Cease to exist?! Tch. Guess I have no choice for now". Lord Dark lifts up The Devourer slightly off the ground, "Good. Your ready to listen. I am well aware that you fused with Chronoa and you have knowledge about all timelines that are connected to that Conton City". Radron moves his eyes to look at his enemy, "That Conton City? Are you implying that there's more than one?". Lord Dark turns him around, "Yes, there's an infinite amount of them. There's several timelines that's connected to each Conton City. This knowledge proceeds even that of the Supreme Kai Of Time. Overseer of timelines and history itself". Radron has one eye open while the other has black blood running down, "That's so. Then tell me why you every single time your name is spoken in the Time scrolls, it sounds distorted even when the history was recent". Lord Dark responded with a chuckle, "Heh. That's because I exist outside of time and history itself!". Radron eye's widen in shock, "Impossible". Lord Dark smirks evily again, "For a being such as myself, its quite easy. Realistically, the only one who truly knows about my existence is you, the Guardian Of Everything and my parents. Bringer Of All Evil and Holder Of All Knowledge". Radron responded in disbelief, "No... T-That doesn't make sense. Your subordinates knows who you are". Lord Dark spreads his wings wide, "That's where your wrong. They only think they know me but in actuality, I can snap my fingers once and all knowledge of my existence is gone. Yet, how they serve me does not. They're very souls are bound by me, forever. Even if they don't know who I am, they will serve me and do my bidding". Radron says, "You've enslave them for all eternity. Like a shadow controlling puppets". Lord Dark's aura slowly seeps out from his body, "Now you understand. That brings me to my next point. Timeline designations. Do you know what timeline we are in?". Radron tightens the grip on the Ancient Demon's hands, "Of course. We are Timeline 201E". Lord Dark claps once, "Ah so you are competent to comprehend Chronoa's knowledge. Do you know the meaning of the numbers and that letter?". Radron replies, "I have an idea. The letter represents how close we are to the original events that conspired. The number..... represents our designated location of timelines". Lord Dark shakes his head and he slams The Devourer into the ground, "You are only right about the letter. I'm shocked to know that Chronoa has no knowledge about the meaning of the numbers. Hmph, well she is only part of one of many Conton Cities". Lord Dark lifts The Devourer off the ground again and he continues, "The number represents the Conton City our timeline is attach to. We are 201. Do you know what timeline Alara is attached to?". Radron eyes widen, "Y-You know about her?". Lord Dark chuckles, "Heh. Heh. Of course I do. I have wealth of knowledge that you can only dream about having. I also know that you slept with Alara. Oh I wonder how Farah, Celestia and Julia would react to that information if they were here". He smiles evily and his hands starts to glow purple. Radron's eyes widen, "You... You wouldn't dare!". Lord Dark says, "Oh I would. You think the power you've gain so far can combat mine? You are wrong. All this time I INFLUENCED and allowed you to reach these heights of power because all you are to me is nothing but a play thing. Someone to keep me entertained". Radron thinks, "T-Then that nightmare I had about Lord Dark... What was said is true. Wait". He looks at the Ancient Demon, "What do you mean influenced?!". Lord Dark removes his body from his arm and he regenerates a new one. He flies up in the sky and his wings expand along with his aura. The sky darkens and his voice echoes throughout the plane of reality, "Its exactly what I mean Devourer. Some of the events that transpired in Rage's life as well as EvilRage's life was because of me. Do you, Rage remember those three villians that killed your family? Hehehe. HAHAHA! They worked under me! I sent them to target you. I gave them a small dose of power to ascend past yours". Radron stares blankly at the ground, "You... what?". Lord Dark expands his aura more, "All those years that you were lonely was because of me. And not to mention, the reason why EvilRage was trapped on that hideous planet so long was because I me!". Radron felt his blood boiling once again and his scleral changed to red and the veins in his body became red as well. His aura bursts violently out of him as he disintegrated the Ancient Demon's arm off. He stands up and he roars in complete anger, "YOU!!!! I WILL KILL YOU! MAKE SURE YOU NEVER EXIST!!!". White flames seep from Radron's mouth as he wraps behind Lord Dark. Radron threw millions of punches in one second. Lord Dark dodges each one of them, "Finally unleashing your full power are you? Guess I pushed you over the edge. Heh, good". He abnormally turns his to face his opponent. He grabs The Devourer's fists and headbutts his face before throwing him into the ground. Radron was about to crash into it until he saw the ground melting. Burnt hands comes out of it and they attempt to grab him. Radron stops the momentum and he unleashed a ear piercing roar. The entire plane of reality shook violently and the sky starts to crack again. Lord Dark smiles, "Good. Show me more!". Radron unleashed a white-black mouth beam at them. A huge explosion occurred and Radron charges towards his enemy as red veins pops out of his head. His Devil horns becomes sharper and black flames shoots out from it. He unleashed tens of millions of punches in one second. Lord Dark dodges all of them and he was about to say something until he felt chains wrap around his body. Radron points his horns at his enemy and unleashed a white-black flaming ki-beam. Lord Dark says while he gets pushed away by the beam, "V-Very clever but-!" before he could finish his sentence, another beam hits him from behind. Another comes from the ground and hits his feet and then another comes from above and hits his head. The beam attacks gets closer to each other until they become one and completely consume the Ancient Demon. The beam attacks turns into a sphere and it gets smaller and smaller. Multiple Super Soul Reapers and Omega Cerberus's appeared and they surround the tiny sphere. Radron roar's loudly, "ROOOOOAAAAAHHHH DIE!!!". The tiny sphere rips apart into two pieces and the Super Soul Reapers stab into it. The Omega Cerberus's unleashed white-black beams from their mouths. A giant black gate opened and it had Death's face in it. Radron shouts, "Gates Of Infinite Death!". The gate opens and the Super Soul Reapers along with two tiny pieces of the spheres went inside it. The Omega Cerberus's disappeared . The Gate Of Infinite Death closed and it disappears. Radron clenches his fist as he breaths heavily, "I-I wanted to keep that ability as an emergency but I couldn't help myself.. What he said, drove me down to the insanity of... Anger but that should be enough. Even what he said about being beyond Time and History were true. He can't be beyond Death. Causality itself". He descends on the ground and he holds his chest. Radron winces in pain, "I.. Feel like collapsing". The entire plane of reality shakes again and the sky itself tears open. Radron looks up at it and his eyes widen in shock, "N-No way. Its impossible! This can't be real!". Lord Dark floats out from the depth of darkness with only a few scratches. He cracks his knuckles, "My my. I didn't think you were capable of that kind of power. Using chains of causality on me and the Gate Of Infinite Death. Trapping me in a endless loop of Death. Unfortunately, for you, I am above that!". Radron suddenly felt his body being crushed and he looks around. He sees giant grey hands and Lord Dark appears in-front of him. He grabs The Devourer's face, "Hmm. I can see it. You are almost out of power and you used your trump card. A shame. I for one only used a fraction of my true power". Radron's eyes glows white and he shot out Ultimate beams. Lord Dark slices his head right off and the beams shot up into the sky. The body once in the hold of the grey hands has vanished. Lord Dark looks at the head of The Devourer and it instantly grew back his body. Radron quickly warps into the sky and he unleashed multiple Ultimate ki-blasts at them. Lord Dark appeared behind him and grabs The Devourer's neck, "I've seen all your tricks. Devourer". Radron quickly turns as best as he could but Lord Dark grabbed him by the neck, "Let me show you a power that you've never seen before!". He threw The Devourer across the sky and a wave of Outter Ki, Dragon Ki and Death Ki comes out of Ancient Demon. It moves towards the Devourer so fast that it almost caused the entire plane of reality collapse. Radron felt the wave hit his body and he crashed into the ground. He coughs up blood and he reverted back to base form. Lord Dark descends and lands next to him. Lord Dark grabs The Devourer by the hair, "That one is called Disrupter Of All. It can disrupt any source of power no matter what it is. It can come in many forms. I chose something simplistic like a wave. No matter if you block, fly, run, teleport away, it will reach you". Radron has an angry expression as he throws his fist that's coated with Ultimate Ki. Lord Dark catches it effortlessly, "Now it entered your soul. That punch of yours felt rather weak. Its time our little confrontation ends". He knees Radron's face multiple times and then he smashes him to the ground. Radron coughs up blood and he thinks, "M-My power. I can't access it anymore..". He coughs up blood again. Lord Dark grabs him by the neck. He lifts him off the ground, "I will relay this final piece of information to you. You and Alara aren't the only rouge fusions around. There are six of them in total". Radron eyes widen in shock, "W-What?". Lord Dark continues, "Its true. Your about to meet one now!".  A portal opens behind The Devourer. Lord Dark throws Radron into it and before it closes, he says, "Don't come back to challenge me ever again. Pathetic weakling". The portal closes and Lord Dark thinks, "That is done. Now to repair the damage". He snaps his fingers once and the sky instantly reverted back to normal along with every area that was destroyed. He floats up into the sky and he thinks, "Now to investigate who this white haired woman is once and for all". His wings spread out wide before he flew away. 

Radron falls onto familiar ground. He slowly gets up and the injuries he sustain, started to regenerate. He rubs his arms and he thinks, "Tch. That ability of his is making my regeneration move slow but... Damn it all! He still outclassed me! The gap between me and him is still so large. I tried and tried to close it but it was still far to big. What do I do now? Tch". He clenches his fist and closes his eyes for a moment before hearing a familiar voice. The voice said ominously, "What are you doing in my domain. Speak". Radron thinks, "Wait a minute. Is that-" and he turns around. The being has parts of his body in the sunlight while the other is in the darkness of the room. Radron continues his thought process, "Those black pants, that pair of white shoes laced with blue and those red fingerless gloves. It can't be. He's one of the other rouge fusions?!". The being said while having his head on his knuckle, "I said to speak plebian!". Radron stood up tall, "Your Ragevil. One of the six rouge fusions". The being placed his hand on the arm rest and his eyes glows red in the darkness.

To Be Continued...

Radron The DevourerWhere stories live. Discover now