Radron Vs Lord Dark

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Radron fights against his greatest enemy, Lord Dark. He was the first to throw an attack but Lord Dark caught it. The Ancient Demon attempts to cut off the Devourer's arm but he instantaneously dashes backwards. Lord Dark looks at him with an evil smile, "What's wrong? Afraid that my measly attack would slice off your arm?". Radron clenches his fist tightly, "AFRAID OF YOU?! NO!". He flies towards his enemy and he unleashed a barrage of attacks. Lord Dark unleashed his giant purple hands from his back. He uses them to block each attack. The force of Radron's attacks caused a tear through the plane of reality itself. A black bubble surrounds all the maids except for Helantha. A Succubus whines, "How come you don't have one?". Helantha responds elegantly, "That's because I am strong enough to withstand the output of their attacks. You should be grateful that Master cares enough to create those shields for you. Gada". Gada looks at the shield and she smiles, "Actually. You have a good point there hehe!". A Dragon-Sook hybrid said seriously, "Stop this chattering. Master wants us to watch this fight". Gada felt the gaze of her fellow maid and she crosses her arms, "Oh fine. Just stop looking at me like that Nyx". The maids watch as their Master fights against The Devourer. 

Multiple tentacles comes out from the floor and they surround the Devourer. Radron moves his eyes around him all at once and his body glows red. He unleashes flame bullets in all directions. The tentacles burnt off and Lord Dark uses his purple hand to smack him to the wall. Upon contact, his purple hand sizzled slightly but the Ancient Demon shook off the feeling. The wall only cracked upon the Devourer's impact. Radron looks up to see multiple beam attacks heading his way. Radron quickly zips all over the throne room and he unleashed multiple Ultimate ki-blasts. The attacks made contact with each other and it resulted in a explosion and followed by a vacuum. Lord Dark appears behind the Devourer, "Intriguing indeed. Your making this quite entertaining for me!". He was about to punch his opponent but Radron catches it. Radron punches him in the face before unleashing a point blank Ultimate ki-blast. Lord Dark crashed onto the upper wall behind the throne. All the maids yelled, "No. Master!". The Ancient Demon removed himself, "Silence! Watch because there is something to be learned from this". He said this while dashing away from the beam attack. The maids all bowed and apologized. Radron zips in-front of his enemy and he attempted to do a kick. Lord Dark immediately stopped his movements to grabs the Devourer's leg with his giant purple hand. He slams Radron onto the wall before throwing him across the room. Radron crashed into the same wall as before which made it crack even more. Radron sensed a thousand attacks all around him. He quickly removes himself off the wall and he zips all around the room. He even created multiple ki-shields mix with magic. Lord Dark appears in-front of him, "Fast thinking but that won't be enough!". He grabs Radron face and he flies down to slam him on the floor. He slammed him several times to the point that the floor broke and they fell to the next floor. He throws The Devourer in the air and he unleashed billions of punches in one second. Radron blocks each one of them but he sensed someone behind him. Radron grits his teeth before yelling, "ENOUGH!!". His aura was unleashed and it engulfed the entire floor. Lord Dark shot a one hand beam attack, "Still enraged are you? Pathetic!". Radron's aura turns the attack into tiny particles. He flies towards his opponent with full speeds and the plane of reality tears even more. Lord Dark uses his purple hands to block the incoming attack. Radron yells as he pushes Lord Dark into the wall and into another and another until.... ZZZIIINNGG! They appeared in a pure black area but Radron still pushes him. Lord Dark closes his eyes for a moment until his black-purple aura bursts out of him. Another set of hands grows out from his head and grabs onto the Devourer's body. He flings him away. The hands on his head disappears. He smiles evily, "Oh Radron Radron. This is the worst mistake you've done. You brought me to my domain! The Outterverse! HAHAHA!!!". Lord Dark's body fades away. Radron catches himself and he looks around but he quickly moves his head up and he saw two giant red eyes. He saw billions of hands traveling towards him in all directions. Radron closes his eyes, "Resorting to numbers? Fine. Take this!". He opens his eyes and hundreds of millions of Super Soul Reapers appeared above him. Radron moves his hand forward and the Super Soul Reapers speed towards the hands. The Super Soul Reapers deployed millions more of the normal Soul Reapers. The hands disintegrated upon impact. However, the normal Soul Reaper's broke in half when the hands punches it. Radron looks to his side to see multiple beam attacks. Sphere's of Ultimate ki formed behind him. He moves his hand forward and the spheres heads towards the beam attacks. They clashed which made a huge explosion. Radron saw in the corner of his eyes, a silver beam. He dashed several hundreds of miles away from the fighting but the beam was already inches away from his face. He quickly created an Ultimate ki and the two attacks collided. It exploded in his face and he dashes back. However, he sensed an attack and he blocks it. His eyes widen when he saw a giant Jezebel in Temptress attire. Lord Dark's voice echoes throughout the Outterverse, "I know your hiding your beloved old friend Jezebel in that small little ball of yours. Along with the others". Radron's veins popped out from his head and he grew to the same size as Jezebel. He says, "Asshole! Come out and fight me instead of using cheap knock offs of my friends!". Lord Dark responds, "Hehe. If you can find me. Not even those eyes that you acquired from my creation can see where I am. You need the All Seeing Eyes. Oh wait. You destroyed them! Hahaha!". Radron thinks, "Tch! He is really pissing me off! So much so that I can almost feel myself transforming into that weird Dragon-Titan hybrid but I won't. I need to stay calm enough so I won't be completely blinded by anger". The fake Jezebel throws another punch. Radron catches and he thinks, "This is just a fake. Its not the real Jezebel. I hope she isn't watching this". His eyes glows red and the fake Jezebel explodes. Radron sensed another attack from behind him and he turns around. He was about to block the attack until he saw a familiar orange hair. The person punched him in the face. Radron slowly moves his head forward and he felt his heart beating even faster. He crunched up his face in anger, "You.... You BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU USE HER!!!!". His pupils snaps in half and his body explodes. Lord Dark says evily, "Of course I would. Why wouldn't I? Seeing you like that is amusing! Hahahaha! It reminds me how pathetic you are". A huge black-white aura grew to the size of a Multiverse as a Dragon-Titan hybrid emerged from it. The hybrid roars in complete anger before unleashing a gigantic black-white beam. The attack completely consumes the orange haired woman. A beam of bright light struck the Dragon-Titan hybrid in the back but it simply turns around. The hybrid unleashed another beam attack. The blonde haired woman uses Heaven Light shield but it was futile. It broke and completely consumed her too. The hybrid roars again before unleashing several black-white beams from its body and mouth. All the hands and Soul Reapers disintegrated into nothingness. Multiple familiar figures emerged from nowhere and attempted to attack the Dragon-Titan. However, they got disintegrated along with the beams. The Dragon-Titan stops its attack as it catches the white sword. The next moment he was punched out of the Outterverse and everything around him started to shift and turn. His body vibrated along with the ever changing surroundings until he crashed into a familiar dimension. He got up and he roared loudly like a wild animal going berserk. He heard a familiar woman saying, "You! Get out of my realm now!". He saw a demon woman with long hair and in battle stance. He heard another familiar voice behind him, "This Dragon is strange. Unnatural even. We must dispose of it!". He turns around to see a blue haired woman. The Dragon-Titan hybrid roars loudly being enraged at the sight of his beloved deceased friend. His body glows a bright white light. The blue haired woman's eyes widen, "No! Its going to-!" Before she could finish her sentence, the entirety of that realm along with the Multiverse exploded. The Dragon-Titan floated there in the vast emptiness which was once was a place for intelligent life used to live. Before it could process what the hybrid has done, it felt another punch. Suddenly the hybrid crashed into another familiar area. The hybrid quickly gets up to roar again and it heard a voice that hits too close to home. It looks down to see a Saiyan with red-blue armor and the Ancient Demon next to him. The Ancient Demon smiles evily, "Oh I see what this is. Hahaha. Good luck with this Guardian Of All The Multiverses". He disappeared. Rage looks up at the Dragon-Titan and he says, "Damn it! This must be one of Lord Dark's pets or something but why can I sense my own energy within it. Not only that but Zeldron, EvilRage, Kazamo, Jalkon, Chronoa, Gina and even Valentia! Bastard! What did you do to them?!". The Dragon-Titan unleashed a black-white beam at the Guardian Of All The Multiverses. Rage closes his eyes for a moment and the next he transforms into Vex Instinct. He quickly unleashed a Vex Kamehameha. Both of the attacks collided which tear through the reality and multiple realities following it. The beam struggle shook the entirely of existence itself and Rage thinks, "N-No! This thing is even a greater threat than Lord Dark!". The barrier that once protected the timelines from colliding with each other has collapsed entirely. Now the bridge between various of timelines are only in arms reach. Rage looks to the side to see multiple timelines of himself unleashing the same blast but with different opponents. Rage thinks, "No! This being. Its an anomaly! I have to-" before he could finish his sentence, the entire Multiverse exploded which launched the hybrid away. It crashed into an all to familiar planet. The hybrid shakes itself before roaring loudly. He heard another voice that hits too close to home. He sees one of his sons next to a yellow Majin and two unfamiliar Saiyans along with a Namekian and a female grey alien. The young Saiyan said, "W-What is that?!". The Female Saiyan said, "It came out of nowhere and its power... Its unlike anything we've ever faced!". RageJr transforms into an unknown form, "I'm not sure Kage but you all need to get the hell out of here now! Me and Jinesis will handle this". Kage said, "But what about the-" before he could finish his sentence, a portal opened from below. They dropped into it and the portal closes. RageJr says, "Why am I getting such a strange reading? I can feel my father's ki along with Uncle Zeldron, Gina, EvilRage and even the late Heavenly Queen Valentia". Jinesis gets into her fighting stance, "I'm not sure. I get the feeling that this creature isn't from this Timeline. Its not suppose to be here!". RageJr gets into his fighting stance, "Agreed. This must be someone's doing". A portal opened above them and a small pale woman came out from it, "You are correct. He is from an alternative timeline. A distant past". She lands behind the two married couple. RageJr Looks behind him, "Orianna! How do you know?". Orianna states, "I only know very little but this creature is a time anomaly. He appeared roughly a million years ago. When your father fought against the Ancient Demon". RageJr thinks for a moment before saying, "I can vaguely remember it". A man with flames around his body appears next to RageJr, "Hmm. So this is the power I was sensing". RageJr looks to his side, "Whoa. Its you, Itzio!". Itzio holds his sword, "It is. This is a threat that cannot be ignored". RageJr was about to say something until the hybrid roars loudly but this time in confusion, sadness and anger. It stumbles backwards and it continues to roar. His entire body glows brightly before a huff of black smoke was released on the ground. The warriors covered themselves and when they look again, the hybrid was gone. RageJr looks around, "Where did it go?". Orianna responded calmly, "It must've returned to its original timeline". 

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